You searched for "Cocaine"

1320 results found

Hearing rehabilitation after vestibular schwannoma surgery

Hearing rehabilitation is a key focus of the management of patients with vestibular schwannoma. But how do we rehabilitate hearing when the cochlear nerve has been damaged by tumour, irradiation, or resective surgery? Mathieu Trudel, Scott Rutherford and Simon Lloyd...

Hyperacusis and autism spectrum disorder

Several different auditory deficits have been found to be co-morbidities of ASD. This article reviews literature with respect to the relationship between hyperacusis and ASD. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be characterised as a neurodevelopmental condition that is marked by...

Why is a Raven like a writing desk? Some reflections on countertenors and castrati

The countertenor voice has seen a resurgence in popularity in the last 50 years. Nicholas Clapton is one of the foremost performers and teachers of his generation, and he tells us here about the link between countertenors and the (fortunately...

Portable otoscopy image capture devices – a comparative review

The use of photo documentation in ENT clinics is becoming more common as technological advances have made the hardware required more accessible. There is significant variation in the price of products. Daniel Moualed, Olivia Whiteside and Chris Aldren review the...

CROS hearing aids existed 10 years before they were even invented!

We all know the principles of CROS aids and the potential benefits they provide to patients, but did you know they were invented many years before they were officially described in literature? In this engaging article, Neil Bauman explains how...

KUDUwave™ Boothless Audiometer

The KUDUwaveTM was designed to replace the need for a sound booth and enable truly portable audiometry in almost any environment. ENT & Audiology News’ own Gareth Smith, Priya Carling and Alex Griffiths Brown met in London to put the...

Video otology tutorials: how EES changes the game

High definition endoscopic ear surgery (EES) redefines traditional middle ear anatomical perspectives. The surgeon can observe in situ anatomical relationships with angled objectives in a way that the traditional microscopic view, with step-wise removal of structures is unable to achieve....

In conversation with Rosaleen Shine

Rosaleen Shine is synonymous with ENT and Audiology News. She was a key member of the team that founded what was then ENT News 25 years ago, and is well known to ORL and audiology colleagues all over the globe....

Supporting music listening through cochlear implant services – experience from a UK adult clinic on supporting musical engagement

The perception and enjoyment of music is central to many people’s lives. Harriet Crook (herself a cochlear implant recipient) tells us about important work in this area for people using hearing aids and CIs. There is now a wealth of...

AUDIOLOGY - In conversation with Gurjit Singh

Alex Griffiths-Brown chats with Dr Gurjit Singh about his career so far, aims for his time as President of the Canadian Academy of Audiology and his recently developed admiration for Andre Agassi… Dr Gurjit Singh. Tell us about your background,...

In conversation with Professor Erwin Offeciers: The countdown to BACO 2015 continues

The countdown to BACO 2015 continues Scientific Programme Planner, Professor Shak Saeed, catches up with Keynote Speaker, Professor Erwin Offeciers, who talks about the vital balance between evidence-based medicine and experience-based knowledge. We hear he unwinds by playing piano and...

The pioneer of precision: Wolfgang Steiner and the evolution of transoral laser surgery

It is rare that a single clinician entirely changes the course of the management of a particular condition. Steiner was one such clinician. Wolfgang Steiner was to transoral laser microsurgery what Grandmaster Flash was to hip-hop or James Brown was...