You searched for "learning"

2804 results found

Reduction in recurrent cholesteatoma rates with bony obliteration tympanoplasty technique

This large retrospective study from the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam compares outcomes in traditional canal wall up (CWU) and canal wall down (CWD +/- partial obliteration of mastoid bowl) mastoid surgery for cholesteatoma with bony obliteration tympanoplasty (BOT, which...

Contemporary Rhinology Science and Practice

Contemporary Rhinology Science and Practice is an excellent textbook that provides a comprehensive and up-to-date approach to various rhinology and skull base conditions. This text expertly integrates both applied science and clinical aspects, making it an invaluable resource for practitioners...

Music and hearing aids - the current state of affairs

‘Speech sounds great, but music isn’t right’ is a common complaint from hearing aid users across the globe. In this article, Marshall Chasin, one of the most published audiologists on the subject of music and hearing, outlines why patients with...

Essentials of Modern Hearing Aids - Selection, Fitting, Verification

In the preface to this book, the authors state that the purpose of the book is to take “a student through the entire hearing aid process from beginning to end in a logical and clinically applicable manner”. The book eschews...

All you need to know about childhood hearing loss - an update

This is an excellent update on childhood hearing loss. It is a comprehensive collection of five chapters, providing a summary of a broad range of practice guidelines to inform screening, diagnosis, and management of hearing loss in children. It has...

GN to help millions of Americans with unaddressed hearing loss thanks to the new OTC hearing aid category

Following the release of the OTC hearing aid regulations by the FDA on Tuesday 16 August, GN have announced their support of the ambition to help more people access hearing aids.

WHO (World Health Organisation) World Hearing Day 2019

World Hearing Day is held on 3 March each year to raise awareness on how to prevent deafness and hearing loss and promote ear and hearing care across the world. Each year, WHO decides the theme and develops a brochure...

Paediatric hearing following chemotherapy

This study examined the effect of platinum compounds on hearing in 104 children with solid tumours. As would be expected, this group was heterogeneous and included a range of ages, tumour types, chemotherapeutic agents and dosing regimens. Age-appropriate audiometry was...

Infant mental health and hearing loss

This interesting editorial explores an aspect in the field of research dedicated to promoting healthy social and emotional development and the prevention and treatment of mental health problems in very young children. Since babies learn through primary attachment relationships with...

Aided speech auditory brainstem response

Auditory brainstem response (ABR) is commonly used for hearing screening and is considered as one of the important means of objective audiometry. Speech ABR is a relatively new concept and is regarded as a marker of speech encoding at the...

Earplugs fit for purpose

The aim of occupational audiology is to prevent hearing loss caused by occupational sound exposure which can exacerbate the long-term effects of central presbyacusis as employees age. To provide the best noise protection over time, research suggests that best practice...

Is there an association with cognitive impairment and hearing loss in a developing country?

Hearing loss (HL) is the third leading chronic health condition among older adults. Most studies investigating HL and cognition have been performed in high-income countries. Risk factors for dementia (eg. hypertension, midlife hearing loss, obesity and physical inactivity) are more...