You searched for "newborn"

291 results found

Grasping opportunities and taking chances: an accidental journey to the perfect destination

Here, Jonathan Parsons tells us more about his journey from clinical audiologist to setting up a social enterprise in the National Health Service. My route to Exeter and to a social enterprise has had several twists and turns and not...

Will it ever happen?

Audiology is a rapidly evolving field, with many exciting developments on the horizon. David Baguley identified some topics of interest, and asked some international experts ‘will it ever happen?’ Gene therapy for deafness After years of development, gene therapy for...

Effective and profitable provision of paediatric audiology care in the private sector

Similar to other specialty areas of hearing healthcare, paediatric audiology is a potential net loss for a private-sector, for-profit, business. Given the time-intensive needs of patients with cochlear implants, tinnitus and those who are under the age of 18 years...

Evidence based practice in paediatric audiology

Audiology, like most of the health sciences professions, has been working on integrating evidence-based practice principles since the mid-1990s [1]. Professional organisations and regulatory colleges have produced evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, disseminated them to audiologists and collaborated with practitioners to...

Global Ambassadors Highlights of the Year

Audiology, Indian Subcontinent, Krishna Yerraguntla Over 466-million people live with disabling hearing loss and global costs of unaddressed hearing loss is 750-billion international dollars. Thus, to alleviate the impact of hearing loss on lives of people, The World Hearing Day...

Wilde and the foundations of medical epidemiology

William Wilde (father of Oscar) was renowned as an otologist, but less well known for his work in epidemiology. The bedrock of the modern discipline of public health is good data collection, and we hear from our good friend, Ray...

Mapping the financial and disease burden of hearing loss and associated interventions

The prevalence and burden of ear and hearing disorders is huge and, historically, has been underappreciated. Globally, unaddressed hearing loss poses a growing public health challenge, requiring urgent attention from policymakers, health professionals and civil society. The recently published World...

British Academy of Audiology Higher Training Scheme – Head of Service and trainee perspectives

For Jan/Feb 2022, we continue with the topic of the British Academy of Audiology Higher Training Scheme. We hear from Jane Beavan, Clinical and Professional Lead for Audiology/Clinical Scientist in Audiology, and Kim-Maree Collings, Senior Audiologist, from the Countess of...

Access to and uptake of cochlear implants in the UK

Assessing demands on cochlear implant (CI) services is very important for both commissioners and clinicians in anticipating clinical need and funding requirements. Commercial CI’s were introduced in the late 1980s. Initial funding was from charitable sources. The first major advance...

Paediatric vestibular evaluation

Richard E Gans is a renowned expert in the areas of vestibular evaluation and rehabilitation techniques. In the first of two articles (see here for the second article), Dr Gans gives an overview of the approach he and his team...

Out of Africa: Audiovannah audiology clinic in Zimbabwe

Audiovannah reception area. In 2015 two Danish audiologists, Jenny Pedersen and Nicolai Pedersen, relocated to Zimbabwe and opened a full service audiology clinic (Audiovannah) in the capital city of Harare. The focus has been to give back as much as...

Otoacoustic emissions in the diagnostic test battery for hearing loss

So, they are great for screening, but how can otoacoustic emissions be integrated into the diagnostic test battery? Beth Prieve examines the role of diagnostic OAEs by asking three simple questions. Audiologists and otolaryngologists are familiar with otoacoustic emissions (OAEs)...