You searched for "inner ear"

71 results found

Balance and vestibular disorders in children

Discover the world of paediatric vestibular assessment and management from the team at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, which is revolutionising services in this field. Dizziness and balance problems generate significant morbidity in children of all age groups. Vestibular disorders are...

Laryngotracheal stenosis

Airway stenosis has been an enormous challenge to laryngologists since the dawn of the sub-specialty. Careful evaluation is essential, as this will determine the best treatment. We hear more from one of the UK’s leading airway centres. Until the advent...

Rhinology: what does the future hold?

David Kennedy surveys the past, the present and the future of rhinology practice and research. An evolution of understanding in rhinology The dramatic growth of clinical and translational research within the field of rhinology in recent years is illustrated by...

Royal Society of Medicine – new presidents, new programme

Exciting changes are occurring at the ENT section of the Royal Society of Medicine over the next academic year. Professor Peter Rea and Professor Claire Hopkins, the incoming presidents of the Otology and the Laryngology & Rhinology Sections, have come together to create a combined programme.

Acoustic shock: definitions and clinical aspects

Acoustic shock, a previously little-known and poorly understood clinical entity, came to the public’s attention in 2019 due to a high-profile legal case of a musician at the Royal Opera House. In this fascinating article, Andrew Parker and William Parker...

The ear-brain connection: the role of cognition in neural speech processing

Audiologists and other hearing healthcare professionals have become increasingly interested in the importance of cognitive function in the assessment and management of hearing loss, especially in light of evidence suggesting a link between hearing loss and cognitive decline in older...

Airway stenting in paediatric ENT

Although experience in the use of airway stents in adults is considerable, their use in children is more recent and more limited. Cláudia Schweiger and Michael J Rutter provide an overview of stents and their use in paediatric airway. Stenting...

Could social isolation be a factor in the link between hearing loss and dementia?

In 1802, Beethoven wrote to his brothers Carl and Johann about his hearing loss: “You men who think or say that I am malevolent, stubborn, or misanthropic, how greatly do you wrong me. You do not know the secret cause...

In conversation with Professor Charles Liberman

Just before I left Cambridge to work with the Hearing Sciences group in Nottingham, I spent a very happy hour alone in the company of Professor Charles Liberman, the Director of the Eaton-Peabody Laboratories based at the Massachusetts Eye and...

In conversation with George Tavartkiladze

For decades, Professor Tavartkiladze has been the personification of Russian audiology and its best known ambassador on the international stage. Hailing from the republic of Georgia, he has led countless seminal initiatives within Russia to advance the science and practice...

Experience on the front line

21st January 2021 Back to basics Yesterday I went right back to where my medical career began. I grew up in Germany, bilingual. A prerequisite to studying medicine in Germany is that applicants have to spend two months working as...