You searched for "endoscopy"

656 results found

Transnasal endoscopic repair of CSF leaks

This Italian study was a retrospective review of 110 consecutive patients who underwent repair of their CSF leak via the transnasal endoscopic approach from 2003 to 2013. All surgery was performed by the same primary surgeon and patients with a...

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) - Part 2

In the first of this two-part series, Martyn Barnes and colleagues discussed indications for functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), the surgical objectives and techniques, patient expectations and the risks of surgery [1]. In this second and final part, the authors...

Endoscopic approach to the internal auditory canal (IAC)

The otoendoscope, with its wide-angle visualisation, has made it an increasingly popular tool to perform outer, middle and even inner ear surgery. Approaches to the IAC with the endoscope have been described by several authors. In this paper, Valente et...

Blocked nose in children with allergic rhinitis

Nasal obstruction is a classic symptom in children with allergic rhinitis. While the nasal obstructive disorders including septal deformity, turbinate hyperplasia and adenoidal enlargement are widely recognised in adult nasal blockage, their relationship with paediatric allergic rhinitis however, is scarcely...

Do endonasal approaches for meningiomas have more CSF leaks?

Rarely, patients presenting to the ENT surgeon with anosmia may have an anterior skull base neoplasm such as a meningioma. Historically, the traditional approaches have focused on several transcranial, external routes, including the pterional craniotomy, and the subfrontal craniotomy. The...

Robotics in rhinology – fantasy or the future?

Robotic surgery is advancing, but its use in rhinology lags due to spatial constraints and high costs. Innovations in flexible robots may bridge this gap in the future. We are in a new era, one of artificial intelligence and robotics....

In conversation with Dr Peter Belafsky

Dr Peter Belafsky. Peter – tell us about your background I was born in Philadelphia and went on to study at Vassar College which is a small liberal arts school in upstate New York. I then attended Medical School in...

Landmark study at Homerton University Hospital confirms GastroPanel®’s diagnostic accuracy

BIOHIT HealthCare is pleased to announce that a clinical study conducted by Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, has confirmed the diagnostic accuracy of GastroPanel in identifying gastric cancer risk in patients with upper abdominal complaints. This study demonstrated...

Getting your nose dry: endoscopic vidian neurectomy – an old technique given new life

We are often faced with patients with intractable watery rhinorhea – patients with no demonstrable allergy, a diagnosis of NAR and no response to ipratropium or capsaicine. For such patients, vidian neurectomy has been devised – an old technique that...

Comparing surgical freedom of four transsphenoidal approaches to the sella

Four transspenoidal approaches to the sella were performed and studied by the authors on eight silicon-injected cadaveric heads. Surgical freedom, that is, the ability of the surgeon to move his or her hands in a fixed space, was determined with...

Augmented reality – a quick overview of potential technology

Is that the optic nerve? Where is the carotid? Both questions you would prefer to know the answer to upfront. This article discusses if augmented reality can help us with surgical navigation around the skull base. Although endoscopic skull base...

Endoscopic stapes surgery

This retrospective Turkish study looked at the audiological and surgical outcomes of 40 patients who underwent endoscopic stapes surgery over a three-year period. To assess the learning curve, the patients were divided into two groups based on the date of...