You searched for "airway"

377 results found

Sleep apnoea got your heart in your throat? Perhaps it’s time to ditch the CPAP and fetch the scalpel

The link between obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) is clear. Its well-established association with essential hypertension is thought to link OSA to an increased risk of atherosclerotic and hypertensive sequelae. However, data on the long-term impact of...

Maxillofacial and neck surgery in Iraq and Afghanistan

Introduction Over the past 150 years, military personnel wounded in action had a survival rate of approximately 80% [1]. During the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, those servicemen wounded in action have a 90.4% survival rate [2]. During the...

The effect of adenotonsillectomy on the immune system

Parents often ask about the effect of adenotonsillectomy on the immune system, with concerns that the child may be prone to more infections postoperatively due to the absence of immune tissue. This Belgian literature review looked at the local and...

Nasal decongestants don’t improve Eustachian tube function

Prescribing nasal steroids and decongestants. It’s something most of us do routinely, in an effort to reduce chronic middle ear effusion in an adult by trying to improve eustachian tube (ET) patency. This study used clever devices (tube manometry and...

European position paper on drug induced sedation endoscopy (DISE)

DISE is a controversial topic but a practice that is largely accepted in the UK. There has been much variation about the technique, and how to interpret the results. For this reason, a collection of European DISE bigwigs aimed for...

The role of macrolide antibiotics in chronic rhinosinusitis

The use of long-term antibiotics in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis is a contentious issue, not only because of the increasing problem with antibiotic resistance but also because of the potential cardiac risks, including sudden death. In this article, Anders...

Military otolaryngology and its impact on civilian trauma care

Over the centuries, military conflicts and wars have caused both death and injuries and led to improvements in the care of the combat wounded. Military otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeons have been at the forefront of these developments and advances. War...

A medical student’s perspective on the future of obstructive sleep apnoea management

Obstructive sleep apnoea remains an immensely challenging condition to treat. Many treatments have been used over the years, but no single management strategy has proven significantly better than the others. We hear about some technological innovations in the field of...

Sanibel Supply goes Global with EarWays Medical

Sanibel Supply has partnered with EARWAYS Medical for global distribution of EarWay Pro, a safe, efficient, and simple tool for cerumen removal.

The role of the respiratory physician in sleep medicine

ENT surgeons may feel that they are the first point of referral for the majority of patients with snoring and possible obstructive sleep apnoea, but in reality a significant number of patients with sleep-disordered breathing (of any cause) are seen...

Vocal cord dysfunction and dysfunctional breathing: an evolving clinical paradigm

Patients frequently present to the ENT department with breathing difficulties. The entity of ‘vocal cord dysfunction’ (also known as paradoxical vocal cord movement, inducible laryngeal obstruction, and many other names) is increasingly well recognised. Ravi Thevasagayam gives us an overview....

What has NAIROS taught us about septoplasty?

Septoplasty is a commonly performed procedure worldwide for nasal obstruction associated with a deviated nasal septum. In the UK, with long waiting lists for septoplasty, there is a large and unexplained variation in the incidence of this procedure between individual...