You searched for "DST"

104 results found

‘Bare below the elbows’

So it has finally happened. I have reached that stage of reactionary bewilderment known as middle age. As well having my finger nowhere near the pulse of contemporary culture, I am finding the siren charms of BBC Radio 2 and...

Body self-image – the ENT perspective

Body dysmorphic disorder is a serious psychiatric condition that we all need to be aware of when contemplating aesthetic surgery. It can present in children as well as adults. Prof Vieira and Dr de Carvalho discuss the tell-tale signs and...

ENT clinics – 50 years of progress…?

Cocaine in abundance, eustachian tube catheterisation, and the ever-present threat of a fire in the clinic… How have things changed in the last few decades? Retired ENT surgeon, Douglas MacMillan, tells us of his experiences starting out in the late...

Vicarious (nasal) menstruation

Hippocrates himself is known to have said that when a woman’s menses are due, but instead of the usual vaginal menstrual flow, she has a haemorrhage from the nose, then this is a sure sign of pregnancy [1]. Artist’s impression...

The changing spectrum of cancer of the oropharynx: dilemmas and future directions

The association of HPV in oropharyngeal cancer has identified a ‘new disease’, with its unique biologic behaviour, and challenges for clinicians in selecting therapeutic combinations offering maximum efficacy and minimum morbidity or long-term sequela currently under study in clinical trials....

In conversation with Shusheng Gong and Shahed Quraishi on ENT Masterclass<sup>®</sup> China

ENT Masterclass® China was a landmark event that brought an international training resource to Beijing. Profs Shusheng Gong and Shahed Quraishi discuss the organisation of this event, the training pathway in China, and the setup of a typical ENT academic...

International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies (IFHNOS): its programmes and impact on head and neck cancer worldwide

In the first article of this edition, we introduce IFHNOS, which has created a major impact on the landscape of head and neck cancer treatment and education over the past quarter of a century by offering a global platform amongst...

Mentally and physically safe workplaces: the challenge of doctors’ well-being

Our ENT consultant colleague Eric Levi bravely tackles the very real elephant in the room of that stigma which is not really discussed until it is often too late. It takes courage to tackle a difficult topic like doctors’ mental...

Securing the future of ENT in the UK

A career in otolaryngology is fascinating, fulfilling and fun, but how do we convince our potential successors? Jay Doshi, Asad Qayyum, Bradley Storey and Tom Milner outline the fantastic efforts to showcase ENT throughout the UK. Student and foundation doctors...

Neuromod establishes US subsidiary and appoints Eric Timm as US Chief Executive Officer

Neuromod Devices Ltd, the Irish medical device company which specialises in neuromodulation technologies, has announced the establishment of Neuromod USA Inc., a subsidiary headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois.

The European TINNET COST Action BM1306

Winfried Schlee describes how a major European funding award is bringing together experts who are committed to collectively developing a better understanding of tinnitus. This work is vital if we are to pioneer effective treatments for the condition in its...

Anaesthesia for free-flap surgery

Adel Hutchinson is one of those calm and controlled anaesthetists for whom nothing seems too difficult. In this article, she describes the key perioperative factors for one of the highest complexity operations in ENT; free-flap surgery. It makes good reading...