You searched for "APD"

807 results found

The lessons in setting up a community ENT service in the NHS

Sudeb Mandal, a GP with special interest in ENT, talks about the novel approach taken in the community to deliver ENT services in Kent in the UK. The Kent Community ENT service was born with the vision to bring together...

Innovations in remote/teleaudiology patient care

Audiometry remains the gold standard in hearing evaluations. Changes in the delivery of audiometry remain a key challenge in providing a telehealth approach to hearing care. The team at Lyon University Hospital validated an innovative approach to solving this challenge,...

Use of Elasticated Hooks in Open Rhinoplasty

Introduction Good exposure is an essential requisite in open rhinoplasty and often requires appropriate assistance to aid surgery. Frequently, surgeons lack adequate assistance in theatre and often have to depend on the scrub nurse for retraction. A self-retaining retractor is...

AUDIOLOGY - In conversation with Chris Mennan: A patient’s perspective on 
single-sided deafness

Chris Mennan is a retired policeman and started working as an Audiology Technical Officer at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust in 2012. In this article he speaks to ENT and Audiology News Features Editor, Alex Griffiths-Brown, about his...

Deaf identity is not cookie cutter shaped: a CI user in a hearing world

Sam Burgess tells us what deaf identity means to her as a service manager in a busy healthcare library, with a cochlear Implant. To begin with, I have been deaf since birth due to congenital rubella. I have not known...

Re-establishing ENT services in Liberia after three decades

Liberia is a country located on the West African coast bordered by Guinea, Sierra Leone and the Ivory Coast. Founded in 1821, it is Africa’s oldest modern republic and was established on land acquired for freed US slaves by the...

The importance of s-ABR in auditory disorders

S-ABR is a method of recording speech-evoked-potentials, but where does it fit in the clinical and research test battery? Here, the authors examine the opportunities for s-ABR. The integrity of the neural transmission of acoustic stimuli is evaluated by auditory...

Grasping opportunities and taking chances: an accidental journey to the perfect destination

Here, Jonathan Parsons tells us more about his journey from clinical audiologist to setting up a social enterprise in the National Health Service. My route to Exeter and to a social enterprise has had several twists and turns and not...

A legendary ‘parotid adenoma’: teaching aid or trophy? & The stapes: a classical heresy

A legendary ‘parotid adenoma’: teaching aid or trophy? A wander through the glass cases of the newly refurbished Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons in London presents a particularly impressive sight to any ENT surgeon. The salivary adenoma...

From the editor May/Jun 2024

Declan Costello, MA, MBBS, FRCS(ORL-HNS),Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon, Wexham Park Hospital, Slough, Berkshire, UK. E: d.costello@nhs.netTW / X: @Voicedoctor_uk One of the privileges of editing this magazine is interviewing senior figures within our specialty; so, it was wonderful...

2014: Are today’s implantable devices better than conventional solutions for patients with conductive or mixed hearing loss?

Patients with conductive or mixed hearing loss become candidates for amplification when reconstructive surgery is not viable. Three common amplification options are conventional acoustic devices, such as behind-the-ear devices (BTEs), (implantable) bone-conduction devices and active middle ear implants. The goal...

Are we making progress on tinnitus?

One of the aspects of tinnitus that drew me into it becoming a major theme of my clinical and research work was how little work had been done when I began to see patients in the mid 1980s. This struck...