You searched for "wellbeing"

1282 results found

Selecting and optimising hearing aids for tinnitus benefit: a rough guide

Hearing aids have a relatively long history as tinnitus treatment tools. Saltzman and Ersner reported success in suppressing tinnitus with simple hearing aids in a number of cases as early as 1947 [1]. In an early comprehensive approach to tinnitus...

Direct-to-consumer hearing devices: a need to combine cosmetic appeal with device capabilities

How safe and desirable are direct-to-consumer amplification devices? A team has put a range of devices through their paces and compared them to a standard NHS hearing device. Why do most individuals who would benefit from hearing aids not try...

The use of THRIVE in laryngology and phonosurgery

The team in Lewisham has been using THRIVE for our phonosurgical cases for about a year. Here, we discuss the pros, cons and potential pitfalls of setting up and using THRIVE as ventilation during anaesthesia rather than using an ML...

Automated audiometry: in conversation with the creator of AMTAS®, Robert Margolis

As automated audiometry becomes more widespread for busy clinics and tele-audiometry, Laura Prigge from GSI interviews Dr Robert Margolis to discuss his automated method for testing auditory sensitivity (AMTAS®). What motivated you to think of automated audiometry? When I was...

Leaving an impression – OTOSCAN ear scanning solution

Every person has uniquely-shaped ears that continue to grow over time. Making an accurate reproduction of the ear is an important part of delivering a customised ear product. From the early 1950s, this was achieved using a paste which set...

Mind the gap – developing a sustainable pipeline for hearing therapeutics

In this article, the authors describe three key challenges faced in developing hearing therapeutics. Collaboration between companies, sectors and disciplines will be key to finding solutions. The unmet need for therapies for hearing loss grows apace, with prevalence rising across...

ENT and evidence-based medicine: How do they benefit each other?

How do we assess evidence, and how should ENT surgeons use EBM? Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is the practice of medicine based upon high quality scientific research. There are several formal definitions of EBM, the most widely quoted being that of...

Securing the future of ENT in the UK

A career in otolaryngology is fascinating, fulfilling and fun, but how do we convince our potential successors? Jay Doshi, Asad Qayyum, Bradley Storey and Tom Milner outline the fantastic efforts to showcase ENT throughout the UK. Student and foundation doctors...

In conversation with George Tavartkiladze

For decades, Professor Tavartkiladze has been the personification of Russian audiology and its best known ambassador on the international stage. Hailing from the republic of Georgia, he has led countless seminal initiatives within Russia to advance the science and practice...

Clinical leadership and management: the ‘Darzi’ experience

The Fellowship in Clinical Leadership programme, more commonly known as the ‘Darzi Fellowship,’ commenced in 2009. It was designed to provide junior doctors at the registrar level with postgraduate training in clinical leadership and change management in order to develop...

How can we be SMART with virtual consultations?

At the beginning of 2020, video conferencing and phone consultations accounted for less than 1% of all consultations. Now it is probably 70%. Whilst there are many remote consultation solutions available, Tina Marshall describes what the ideal solution should look...

Innovating around access to hearing services during the pandemic

COVID-19 has also presented its challenges to hearing healthcare providers and to the industry and, similarly, called for innovation and creativity. Dr Bromwich describes how these sectors are rising to the challenge. The reality of COVID-19 has been a challenging...