You searched for "test"

1820 results found

Stroboscopy and High-Speed Imaging of the Vocal Function – Second Edition

When I was asked to review this book, I was really looking forward to receiving it and eagerly awaited the postman on a daily basis until it arrived. Needless to say, it did not disappoint. The author, Peak Woo, is...

Be sober to stay on your feet

Readers would either have had a personal experience or observed the inelegant gait of the inebriated. Re-aligning the body during postural perturbations involves changes in head position, shoulders, and hip, knee and ankle joints. The main hypothesis of this study...

The basis of auditory processing disorder: what can we learn from corticals?

Auditory processing disorder (APD) is a poorly understood, heterogenous and surprisingly common condition. It manifests as a perceptual difficulty in centrally processing auditory information. Diagnosis is usually based on a variety of behavioural tests involving verbal and non-verbal assessments. In...

Sound sensitivity in children

Sound tolerance symptoms in young patients can be a challenge, Veronica Kennedy and Claire Benton share their clinical experience in navigating the issues that can arise in diagnosis and management. In any noisy environment, it’s a common sight to see...

Collaborating with patients on research priorities in hyperacusis: the James Lind Alliance project

An innovative and inclusive approach to the identification and prioritisation of research questions is to place the views of patients at the heart of the process, and in partnership with clinicians. The application of this to hyperacusis is described by...

Management of single-sided deafness in adults: a bone conduction solution

Single-sided deafness (SSD) presents a limited number of methods for management, and not all of them meet the patient’s expectations. The aim of this article is to set out the available bone-conduction treatment methods for managing single‑sided deafness in adults....

Adult hearing screenings has counselling opportunities

Adult hearing screening has its challenges, particularly time constraints. Because the process itself is brief, we could efficiently screen dozens of adults per hour; at events such as health fairs, it’s tempting to march people through screenings as quickly as...

In conversation with Liam M Flood: Middlesbrough (M for Michael? ...nope, Martin!)

Liam Flood. With a name such as Liam you must have some ‘Irish blood’? Where does your family come from? Tell us more? (What did your old man / mum do?) Some Irish blood? Those who know me well would...

OBITUARY: Professor Heinz Stammberger (1946-2018)

We, at ENT & Audiology News, have just learned of the death of Professor Heinz Stammberger on 9 December. Within the global ENT community, there can be few people whose names are as well-known as his, and his loss will...

Malignant lesions and reconstruction of the pinna

External ear reconstruction can be challenging. Baskaran Ranganathan and Amr Abdelhamid describe how careful assessment, planning and surgery following the subunit principles and reconstructive ladder will ultimately lead to good aesthetic outcomes with restored form and function. The external ear,...

Cochlear implantation in the developing world: perspectives from the Indian subcontinent

Cochlear implants are an expensive technology, yet profound hearing loss is far from a developed-world phenomenon. On the contrary, incidences of both congenital and acquired hearing losses are high in the developing world. This article explains how an initiative in...

Patron saints of the ear

We all know that ear symptoms include hearing loss, vertigo, tinnitus and otalgia, but did you know there are patron saints for all these symptoms? John Riddington Young shares an overview of the patron saints of the ear, inspired by...