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797 results found

Global audiology during COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected, and in some areas, put a complete hold on, audiology practice around the world. In April 2020, during the peak of the pandemic for many regions, our audiology Global Ambassadors provided their reports from their...

Laryngeal transplantation: is it a thing?

Few organs could be said to be more complex than the larynx when it comes to transplantation. Martin Birchall looks at past challenges, current issues and future prospects. I am not clear exactly why I chose to spend a life...

EROC 2025

Professor Hesham Negm, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University The 14th edition of the Emirates Rhinology & Otology Conference (EROC) Global Forum 2025 concluded successfully, drawing over 3056 delegates from more than 120 countries and featuring more than 100 distinguished international...

Ida Institute’s legacy and the future of person-centred care

Professor Kris English reflects on the IDA Institute’s closure, celebrating its legacy of advancing patient-centred care and reshaping audiological counselling worldwide. In September 2008, the Ida Institute’s Director, Lise Lotte Bundesen, and her team held its inaugural ‘Defining Hearing Seminar’...

Where Art meets Science: A unifying story in ENT & Audiology News

We are delighted to introduce a stunning new cover series by Dyon Scheijen, a Maastricht-based clinical physicist-audiologist and artist fascinated by the psychology of hearing. Dyon explores the connection between audiology, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and sound perception. He...

Dr KJ Lee: From Penang to Presidency of the AAO-HNS… and beyond!

Anyone who’s ever stopped to wonder about the personalities behind well-known names in ENT will enjoy Keyu Liu’s article on Dr KJ Lee, rich with stories of his travels, inspirations, and personal philosophies, alongside his momentous achievements. If you’ve experienced...

ENT & Audiology in this issue...Music

Music is a central part of many people’s lives, and ENT surgeons and audiologists frequently treat patients whose musical experience is affected by pathology. For September/October 2021, we explore a number of areas in which patients need the support of otologists, laryngologists, audiologists, and others.

Leeway: Reaching Beyond Expectations

Leeway is a book that takes us through an 80-year journey of one man’s determination, ambition and unbelievable achievements. Prof KJ Lee, as he is known to many today, was born in Malaya in 1940. Ahchu, ‘sweet potato’ in Malaysian,...

Tinnitus? There’s an app for that

Chronic tinnitus. It is difficult to treat and can have a debilitating impact on those who suffer from it. To date, there is no treatment that is guaranteed to make tinnitus go away, though there are several existing treatments that...

Absorbing the hurt

In this article, taken from his blog, ENT surgeon John McGarva reminds us that while we can’t fix everything, we may still be able to help. It was a long time ago. I was a scarily young Houseman, barely 22,...

In conversation with Dr Abitbol- a Q&A by Vasasnt Oswal

Interview by Vasant Oswal of Dr Abitbol, Ancien Chef de Clinique at the University of Paris, France. Vasant Oswal Dr Abitbol Dr Abitbol developed innovative diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, which include vocal dynamic exploration to look at the vocal folds...

Welcome to the new ENT UK President

We were delighted to participate in the ENT UK Spring Meeting on 15 April, which took place on ENT & Audiology News’ very own doorstep in the picturesque city of Edinburgh. Held in the Surgeon’s Quarter in the heart of...