You searched for "consulting"

1887 results found

Interacoustics introduces ACT™ on Callisto™

Interacoustics is excited to announce that the game-changing Audible Contrast Threshold test (ACT) is now available with the Callisto. This means that Callisto users can address the number one complaint from people with hearing loss: hearing in noisy situations. ACT...

A one-stop state of the art, non-profit healthcare facility in Pune, India

In 2001, a non-profit healthcare facility was founded in Pune India, providing low and middle income group patients with treatment, not only at a minimum cost, but of a quality which bears the stamp of approval by the Royal College...

Blood type and epistaxis

In this Turkish study, the authors attempted to determine if there was an association between ABO blood type and epistaxis. They looked at 359 epistaxis admissions at the same hospital over a three-year period. Only patients with idiopathic epistaxis were...

School-Based Audiology

I was interested to read this book which aims to cover the basics required for school based audiologists (or ‘educational audiologists’ as they are also known) working in the USA, as I had limited knowledge of this role. The role...

Discovery in the genetics of complex disease: Otitis media

Otitis media (OM), a common disease of childhood, is considered to be a complex trait with multiple genetic and environmental factors expected to contribute to a child’s risk of developing recurrent acute OM (rAOM; ≥3 episodes in 6 months or...

Development of a new negative-pressure ventilatory support device: Exovent

The pandemic has driven innovation in ways that we have not seen for many decades. Intensive care medicine and ENT have been at the forefront of these advances, and our good friends David Howard (never one to put his feet...

Hearing aid outcomes in older adults: what and when to measure

What matters to older adults when purchasing a hearing aid? Larry Humes explores the domains that should be measured for this key group. This article identifies key domains of hearing aid outcome in older adults. Increasingly, third-party payers and private-pay...

Unexplained dizziness in elderly patients

How do we explain unexplained dizziness in elderly patients? How far should we go with investigations? And most importantly, how should we manage this challenging and expanding group of patients whose balance affects their safety? Richard Ibitoye and Diego Kaski...

Panetti Endoscopic Ear Instruments

Giuseppe Panetti is a renowned otologist and one of the forerunners of endoscopic ear surgery. One of his major contributions to ENT has been through designing bespoke equipment to assist in some of the challenges of operating endoscopically. In this...

Panetti Endoscopic Ear Instruments

Giuseppe Panetti is a renowned otologist and one of the forerunners of endoscopic ear surgery. One of his major contributions to ENT has been through designing bespoke equipment to assist in some of the challenges of operating endoscopically. In this...

Cartilage interposition versus PORP ossiculoplasty

In this Egyptian study, the authors looked at the hearing outcomes in patients who underwent ossiculoplasty with cartilage interposition versus those with partial ossicular replacement prosthesis (PORP). They looked at a total of 47 ears from 45 consecutive patients with...

Relationship between high resolution radiological features of the otic capsuleand audiometric parameters in patients with otscerosis

The audiometric pattern in patients with otosclerosis and outcomes of stapedectomy are variable. Whether this has anything to do with the number of sites affected by otosclerosis in the otic capsule and the disease pattern according to foci location, foci...