You searched for "imbalance"

897 results found

Planning for end of life care: is there a role for the speech and language therapist?

This article presents a scoping review of the research literature on the role of speech and language therapists in palliative care settings. The researchers conducted a search using several electronic databases focusing on palliative, terminal and end of life (EOL)...

Microbiome changes after endoscopic sinus surgery: all is not what it seems

As we keep fighting a losing battle with bacteria and antibiotics, it becomes clear that it is not about killing bacteria, not even diminishing the bacterial load, but rather about shifting the different types of bacteria that colonise and live...

Another paper advocating resection templates

Resection in the head and neck region leads to complex defects with significant impairment in function. Reconstruction is even more difficult and to improve the accuracy of both resection and reconstruction a number of aids are used. With the improved...

Consulting with patients and providers: what should the future of aphasia therapy look like?

This article provides a description of what healthcare for people living with aphasia should and may look like in 10 years’ time. The authors have consulted with a group of people with aphasia and the lead of an aphasia advocacy...

Do implants assist rehabilitation following mandibular reconstruction?

When undertaking mandibular reconstruction, optimal function and aesthetic rehabilitation is the goal. There is no doubt that patients consider chewing, swallowing and speech to be of paramount importance. Following surgery, suboptimal rehabilitation leads to a fall in quality of life...

Airway first in patients with facial trauma

Anyone that has ever been on an ATLS or indeed any other trauma course will be well indoctrinated with the principles of ABC. Securing the airway is of paramount importance; but what to do if the anatomy is altered or...

Team based learning in speech language pathology graduate courses

According to the author of this article, the role of a speech language pathologist involves clinical problem solving in both diagnostic and treatment processes. Problem solving involves cooperative collaboration with clients and their parents. Therefore, in this pilot study, the...

International classification of BPPV

In the past few years, the Bárány Society has made great strides in defining and classifying vestibular disorders along the lines of the international classification of diseases. This article addresses the diagnostic criteria for BPPV, the commonest cause of vertigo....

Infant mental health and hearing loss

This interesting editorial explores an aspect in the field of research dedicated to promoting healthy social and emotional development and the prevention and treatment of mental health problems in very young children. Since babies learn through primary attachment relationships with...

Reducing readmission rates after transsphenoidal pituitary surgery

This retrospective study provides an outpatient care pathway to screen and manage delayed hyponatremia which the study identified as the primary cause of readmission following transsphenoidal pituitary surgery. Of the 303 patients who were studied, 27 were readmitted within 30...

Velopharyngeal insufficiency after adenotonsillectomy

The authors retrospectively reviewed the clinical records of 320 paediatric patients who underwent either tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy or adenotonsillectomy, under a single paediatric ENT surgeon. Patients with pre-existing velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) were excluded, as assessed by preoperative testing for nasal air...

No soup for you…! Early identification of postoperative perforation increases the success of conservative management

Iatrogenic perforation of the hypopharynx or cervical oesophagus is a well-recognised life-threatening complication. Previous studies have demonstrated that conservative management with broad-spectrum antibiotics and withholding oral feeding may avoid morbidity associated with surgical repair. This study addresses when conservative management...