You searched for "sinus"

1415 results found

Ida Institute telecare tools help teens take charge of their hearing healthcare

In this article Ena Nielsen from the Ida Institute discusses new ways to put teens in the driver’s seat of their hearing healthcare needs. The teenage years can be a challenging time for any young person. When hearing loss is...

Cognitive spare capacity: what is it and why does it matter?

Cognition refers to thinking and memory. So why would cognition be a useful concept for ENTs and audiologists? Audition provides our main channel of communication and when we speak to each other, we want to exchange thoughts and remember what...

Chocolates for laryngectomees

When The Chocolate Line in Bruges, Belgium, was approached by the charity, Shout at Cancer, there was always going to be something very special and innovative in the pipeline! Shout at Cancer’s Thomas Moors has been chatting with Julius Persoone,...

Audiological testing strategies for children and young people with ASD

In 2014 the Hummingbird Clinic was opened, offering a bespoke clinic for children with complex needs or autism. In this article Keiran Joseph shares the wealth of knowledge gained in this clinic over the years and offers some top tips...

Public Health Planning for Hearing Impairment (2022)

The World Report on Hearing, published in 2021 by the WHO reports that 430 million people in the world have moderate or worse hearing loss, all of whom require rehabilitation [1]. Over 1.5 billion have any degree of hearing loss....

The role of artificial intelligence and applications in ENT surgery

AI is progressing apace. If you’re wondering how it might affect our working lives in ENT, read on for insights and a pilot study that show us what may be possible. The recent launch of ChatGPT, an open access artificial...

Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week

A campaign to encourage prevention, early detection and education for patients and survivors of oral, head and neck cancer launches this month.

On-call ENT apps

ENT apps for trainees are few and far between. Here are a couple of them which could be useful for the on-call. Born out of the website with the same name, this app is a must-have if you work...

Chronic rhinosinusitis management: back to the future?

Immunology is a dim and distant medical school memory to many ENT surgeons, but the increasingly complex immunology of chronic rhinosinusitis is fascinating (honestly!). Medical management options in CRS no longer just involves saline and steroids, and we need to...

Robert Vincent: otologie sans frontières

Chris Aldren speaks to French ear surgeon Robert Vincent who’s particularly proud of forming a global otologist network providing free resources for education and patient care worldwide. Robert Vincent Robert, who have been your otological mentors? I did my initial...

Robert Vincent: otologie sans frontières

Chris Aldren speaks to French ear surgeon Robert Vincent who’s particularly proud of forming a global otologist network providing free resources for education and patient care worldwide. Robert Vincent Robert, who have been your otological mentors? I did my initial...

ENT in this issue...Anaesthetics and ENT

Nick Crombie, BMedSci BMBS FRCA FIMC RCSEd RCPathME, Associate Medical Director (Governance); Consultant Trauma Anaesthetist; Honorary Researcher, National Institute for Health Research SRMRC: Clinical Lead for Resuscitation Services, QEHB, UK. E: Plastic surgeons think we do endless crosswords. Orthopaedic...