You searched for "ageing"

1550 results found

The Graham Fraser Foundation

Graham Fraser (1936-94) was a pioneering otolaryngologist, in whose memory the Graham Fraser Foundation was set up, and an eponymous annual lecture and a travelling fellowship in otology were established. It’s an honour to profile the Foundation in this extended...

Isshiki Thyroplasty Type 2

Indication Adductor spasmodic dysphonia is a neurological condition of unknown aetiology. The symptoms are believed to be caused by involuntary contraction of the adductor muscles of the vocal cord as a result of an abnormality of neurotransmitters in the basal...

Comprehensive Management of Swallowing Disorders – Second Edition

On first glimpse this 548-page A4 book looked like it was going to be a nightmare to review, but once I started reading, I was pleasantly surprised. This is the second edition of this American book with the first edition...

Why do some people get their smell back so quickly after a COVID infection whilst others don’t?

Of course, we are all too familiar with the effect that COVID-19 infection has on our sense of taste and smell, but why do most patients get better whilst, for many, the misery lingers on and on? This paper looks...

Rib grafts for mandibular reconstruction

Reconstruction of the mandible following ablation requires good bone stock to allow optimal function and the placement of dental implants. In the developed world, vascularised bony flaps are accepted as the gold standard but these may not be widely available...

Is there a role for hyperbaric treatment in sudden hearing loss?

Sudden sensorineural hearing loss is a common presentation to ENT departments with a significant difference in management both at a local and regional level. The authors seek to clarify the role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in combination with oral and...

Music and single-sided deafness: challenges and solutions

Music is an integral part of many of our lives, providing entertainment, relaxation and a backing track to our past experiences. In this overview, Gemma Crundwell and David Baguley examine the impact of SSD on the perception of music and...

Ultramarathons, frostbite and running with wolves

“I could just keep going when most sane people would stop”- the secret to success in head and neck surgery? In August 2015 I crossed the finish line of La Ultra - The High. A small camp of tents and...

Facing up to the challenge of behavioural observation in infant hearing assessment

The ability to assess detection and discrimination of speech by infants has proved elusive. Dr Iain Jackson and colleagues discuss how new technologies and fresh approaches might offer valuable insight into young infants’ behavioural responses to sound. The limits of...

Middle ear muscle disorders: presentation, diagnosis and management

Patients often report symptoms relating to disorders of the middle ear muscles. Prof Bance gives us an overview of the anatomy and function, as well as guides our diagnosis and management. The middle ear muscles (MEMs) are a mystery, both...

The benefits of mindfulness for tinnitus

Mindfulness-based psychological therapy for tinnitus has, in recent times, been the subject of well-designed clinical research that demonstrated impressive benefits. Dr Liz Marks guides us through this field, and advocates for better access and availability of these techniques. Mindfulness can...