You searched for "surgeons"

2066 results found

Ergonomics in otorhinolaryngology

Raewyn Campbell is a rhinologist and skull base surgeon in Sydney, Australia. Prior to training in medicine, she was trained as a physiotherapist, and she brings both disciplines into her research on ergonomics in surgery. Surgeons need to look after...

Image-Guided Surgery: Fundamentals and Clinical Applications in Otolaryngology

Although not inspired particularly by the concept of the book, I was reassured by the introduction that the theory behind image guided surgery (IGS) would be presented in a way that was accessible, with “all technical descriptions trimmed to the...

Suspect the unsuspecting in thyroid cancer

This article reminds readers of how often invasive thyroid disease can appear, as the symptomatology is minimal. Noticeable airway symptoms appear after 50% of the airway is involved and surgeons can often fall in the unsuspecting trap of discovering locally...

The inaugural UK Remote Access Thyroid/Parathyroid Surgery Meeting

Harrypal Panesar, ST3 Otolaryngology, Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading, UK An impressive faculty of leading thyroid and parathyroid surgeons from countries across the world was in attendance along with 45 delegates seated in a sold-out lecture theatre. The morning started with...

Can the threshold for drain removal after selective lateral neck dissection be safely raised to an output volume of less than 100 mL in a 24-hour period?

Closed-suction drains are routinely used by most head and neck surgeons after selective lateral neck dissections (SLNDs). A recent survey of more than 360 head and neck surgeons found that more than 60% use a criterion of less than 30...

To monitor the nerves or not?

Whilst intraoperative nerve monitoring has become the standard of care for mastoid and parotid surgery, its benefit in thyroid surgery remains unclear. In the UK NICE was agnostic on the subject in 2008, stating that it was potentially helpful and...

Surgery in the only hearing ear

In this study the Turkish authors attempted to investigate how quality of life was impacted in patients who underwent surgery for chronic otitis media in their only remaining hearing ear (OHE). Some surgeons view this as high risk due to...

Globe trotter: Vasant Oswal launches memoir

Vasant Oswal was brought up in an era when public transport in India relied on horses. From humble beginnings in Pune in the western state of Maharashtra, he went on to become a pioneer in laser surgery in the larynx. He would also receive a Fellowship by Election at the Royal College of Surgeons, not to mention serving as Editor in Chief of ENT and Audiology News.

Breaking the menstrual and menopause taboo

The impact of menstruation and menopause on doctors and surgeons is the subject of a provocative new podcast. As ENT & Audiology News reported in July 2021, WENTS & Friends is a mouthpiece for Women in ENT Surgery UK, an organisation aiming to support women in all stages of training. The third episode lifts the lid on the lack of care, provision and policy for this central aspect of women’s health.

Elasticated retraction in head and neck surgery – a trainee’s perspective

The effectiveness of surgical technique and satisfactory outcome is greatly dependent on good surgical exposure. Retraction requires adequate traction and counter-traction of tissues in order to expose the tissue or organ under scrutiny for the surgeon. This is a universal...

Charitable hearing care in Pakistan: establishing the IMRA Cochlear Implant Programme and Middle Ear Project

IMRA, the International Medical Relief Agency, is a registered charity providing volunteer-delivered cochlear implant and major ear surgery to children and adults in Pakistan. Established in 2001 by UK-based ENT surgeons led by Mr Haroon Khan, its primary aim is...