You searched for "nursing"

2419 results found

Chester-gel technique

Umesh Nagalotimath and Robert Temple describe a simple and effective technique for enhancing vision during endosheath use for flexible nasendoscopy. Endosheaths are used to complement the cleaning of flexible scopes. The advantages are time saving for clinicians as this reduces...

Prof Quraishi OBE awarded Fellowship ad hominem FRCSEd

At a presentation ceremony on Friday 3 September, President of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (FRCSEd), Prof Michael Griffin OBE, welcomed the members of the Council, fresh diplomates, their families and other guests. This was the first conferring...

Transferable skills in audiology: one audiologist’s journey

Ever wonder about transferable skills in audiological practice? In this issue, we hear about one audiologist’s journey from clinical practice to applying transferable skills gained in audiology to other healthcare sectors. In 1997, as a 16-year-old starting my career in...

Outcome of TORS to tongue base and epiglottis in patients with OSA intolerant of conventional treatment

The use of transoral robotic surgery (TORS) in ENT is rather controversial, but the use of robotic surgery for obstructive sleep apneoa (OSA), makes it doubly so. Previous studies on TORS in OSA have been performed with other types of...

Impact of lingual pumping in Parkinson’s patients with dysphagia

Dysphagia in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most important causes of mortality in these patients. Swallowing difficulty in Parkinson’s disease is associated with lingual pumping or festination, anterior escape, premature loss of bolus, oral and pharyngeal retention, multiple...

Hearing aids to improve balance in the elderly?

Patients with hearing loss have been found to be more likely to develop dementia. Hearing loss is also associated with poor balance and higher risk of falls, especially in the elderly population. There is increasing evidence that treating hearing loss...

The role of the respiratory physician in sleep medicine

ENT surgeons may feel that they are the first point of referral for the majority of patients with snoring and possible obstructive sleep apnoea, but in reality a significant number of patients with sleep-disordered breathing (of any cause) are seen...

Changing behaviour with a human factors approach

The Francis Report (2013) identified multiple problems relating to the safety culture of Stafford Hospital in the period 2005 – 2009, as well as serious failings in the supervisory and regulatory systems of the NHS. Particular criticism was directed at...

KUDUwave™ Boothless Audiometer

The KUDUwaveTM was designed to replace the need for a sound booth and enable truly portable audiometry in almost any environment. ENT & Audiology News’ own Gareth Smith, Priya Carling and Alex Griffiths Brown met in London to put the...

Contemporary Transoral Surgery for Primary Head and Neck Surgery (Includes Companion Website) First Edition 2015.

This is a volume containing 16 chapters and indexed over 251 pages which covers the topic of transoral surgery (TOS) edited by Drs Hinni and Lott from the Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, USA. The chapters cover the topic of TOS...

Academic BACO 2015

Putting together the academic programme for BACO is a monumental task. Academic Chairman Shakeel Saeed and Peter Andrews, the Academic Secretary of the conference, tell us how to make it a success. Conference season is nearly upon us, and Liverpool...

Stuttering and bullying - everyone’s business

This article emphasises that bullying (distinct from teasing- the former being defined as repeated actions intended as harmful, compared to good-natured interactions enjoyed by everyone) is an issue that can impact significantly on a child or young person’s ability to...