You searched for "hearing loss"

155 results found

Peer-support group for people with a hearing loss

Peer-support groups’ (PSGs) involvement in rehabilitation of people with different health issues can have a very positive impact on the patients’ wellbeing as showed in a various literature on the subject. This study involves analysis of data from previous studies...

Social representation of hearing loss in different countries

The social representation of different phenomena has generated strong interest among researchers recently. The social representation of ‘hearing loss’ is different in different countries such as India, Iran, Portugal, and the UK, as was evidenced in previous research. This study...

Is there a role for hyperbaric treatment in sudden hearing loss?

Sudden sensorineural hearing loss is a common presentation to ENT departments with a significant difference in management both at a local and regional level. The authors seek to clarify the role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in combination with oral and...

Platinum-based chemotherapy, tinnitus and hearing loss

Fortunately, the five-year survival rate of adult cancers is increasing. However, we are seeing for the first time the lasting effects of cancer treatments on people. As more people live with the long-term effects of treatment, such as chemotherapy, it is imperative to understand the impact it has on quality of life.

Are cardiovascular risk factors associated with hearing loss?

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors are associated with microvascular damage that can impair molecular transport across capillary walls and cause inflammation and oxidative stress that may damage cochlear structure and function. This study determined, among a population-based sample of Canadian...

Personal music systems are causing hearing loss

Sitting next to a teenager on a train with their iPod turned up loud enough for the entire carriage to hear is annoying, most will agree. Perhaps I might educate them about the risks of ‘music’ (if you can call...

OTO-104 in noise-induced and cisplatin-induced hearing loss

These two animal studies report on potential new applications for intra-tympanic OTO-104, a slow-release hydrogel formulation of dexamethasone that is currently being used in a Europe-wide randomised trial for Ménière’s disease. In the first paper, guinea pigs were given a...

A drug to prevent hearing loss caused by ototoxic therapeutics

This editorial briefly highlights the progress made in discovering a compound named ORC-13661, which shows the potential to alter the response of hair cells to ototoxic medication. In the late 1980s, inner hair cells that were lost secondary to noise...

Newborn sensorineural hearing loss – what is the incidence?

In the last two decades, the introduction of newborn screening for hearing loss has dramatically lowered the average age of newborn hearing loss diagnosis to around two to three months of age. The benefits of early diagnosis are manifold, enabling...

Vascular disease and sudden sensorineural hearing loss

Oussoren et al performed a systematic review and meta-analyses of current literature on the above topic: specifically, cardiovascular risk factors for developing idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (iSSNHL), the presence of white matter hyperintensities in patients with iSSNHL and the...

Recovery rates in sudden sensorineural hearing loss

Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) is most commonly idiopathic, and is seen relatively frequently in ENT practice. Recovery spans a period of around 1-2 months, and ultimate outcomes are highly variable, from complete recovery to no detectable hearing. Although the...

Take Early Action to Prevent or Address Hearing Loss

The annual spotlight on hearing loss by the World Health Organization (WHO) delivers poignant messages to both policy makers and the public in order to stress just how widespread and life-changing hearing loss is.