You searched for "Cocaine"

1320 results found

Free online music training for cochlear implant users: MELUDIA & MED-EL

Hearing implant users, caregivers and hearing experts can now access a free musical online training that was curated with a special focus on CI users.

Surgical outcomes of myringoplasty using platelet-rich plasma

Tympanic membrane (TM) perforations can affect people’s quality of life due to recurrent infections. Management is often by surgical repair. In this study, the authors investigated the outcomes of a minimally invasive approach of patch myringoplasty using an atelocollagen sponge...

A trial of house dust mite sublingual tablet in children with allergic rhinitis

The house dust mite (HDM) is one of the commonest causative agents in allergic rhinitis (AR), affecting patients across all demographics. Recently, sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) has been shown in clinical trials and meta-analysis to be effective compared to placebo in...

Treatment Companion: A Speech-Language Pathologist’s Intervention Guide for Students With Developmental Delays and Disorders

Written by experienced speech-language pathologists (SLTs) and described as a speech-language pathologist’s best friend, the Treatment Companion serves as a therapy guide for SLTs working with children and young people who have communication delays and/or disorders. The book is aimed...

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery of the Head and Neck: Current Techniques and Flap Atlas

Head and neck reconstruction continues to provide a challenge to surgeons, driving innovative approaches in free-flap surgery and a need to embrace developing technologies. This excellent text, written primarily by authors from the renowned MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas,...

Reconstruction of the Head and Neck: A Defect-Oriented Approach

This is the second Thieme book on head and neck cancer by this author that follows on from Head and Neck Cancer: an Evidence-Based Team Approach four years ago. It is a well-structured, up-to-date book in a readable layout with...

Discovery in the genetics of complex disease: Otitis media

Otitis media (OM), a common disease of childhood, is considered to be a complex trait with multiple genetic and environmental factors expected to contribute to a child’s risk of developing recurrent acute OM (rAOM; ≥3 episodes in 6 months or...

American Thyroid Association Thyroid Cancer Management Guidelines: utilising risk stratification to optimise patient care

The steep rise in thyroid surgery around the globe, has led to the development of risk stratification to define the indications for surgery and the extent of surgery as well as adjuvant therapies for papillary carcinoma, to avoid over treatment....

Using telehealth to engage teenagers

Can we use a teenager’s love of gadgets to re-engage them with their hearing technology? Gwen Carr reports on an innovative use of telehealth to support teenagers who are no longer visiting their hearing healthcare professionals. Parents of children and...

The changing landscape of thyroid and parathyroid surgery

How has clinical practice in the management of thyroid and parathyroid disease has evolved in recent years? I perform very few head & neck operations where the patient tells me just one week following surgery that they ‘feel much better’....

The Matchgirls and Phossy Jaw: a striking tale of industrial action

Poor working conditions, long hours, low pay – and the prospect of a dangerous and disfiguring osteonecrosis of the jaw. These were the triggers for the 1400 ‘matchgirls’ of the Bryant and May factory to strike in July 1888, a...

Sleep apnoea in children with craniofacial syndromes

Whilst snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea are relatively common diagnoses in paediatric ENT, children with craniofacial syndromes take the problem to the next level. Robert Nash and Michelle Wyatt describe the Great Ormond Street multidisciplinary approach to treating this complex...