You searched for "trust"

781 results found

Does vocal tremor lead to changes in swallowing function?

Vocal tremor (VT) is a debilitating problem, but remains challenging to treat. Its pathophysiology remains indeterminate and there is a lack of consensus on phenotypes. Clinically, VT is often noted to be present in muscles outside of the larynx, including...

Laryngotracheal stenosis

Airway stenosis has been an enormous challenge to laryngologists since the dawn of the sub-specialty. Careful evaluation is essential, as this will determine the best treatment. We hear more from one of the UK’s leading airway centres. Until the advent...

Taking life by the throat

Patients suffering with problems with their voice, airway and/or swallowing can find their symptoms immensely distressing, and their care places a huge burden on healthcare systems. We hear from a world-leading laryngologist on current and future directions. Field of interest...

What’s new in laryngology: the next 10 years!

At a time of unprecedented technological advances, Taran Tatla and Jonathan Fishman gaze into the laryngological crystal ball… Introduction The recent explosion in science, technology and innovation takes us into a new era, with the opportunity and capability to transform...

Maxillofacial and neck surgery in Iraq and Afghanistan

Introduction Over the past 150 years, military personnel wounded in action had a survival rate of approximately 80% [1]. During the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, those servicemen wounded in action have a 90.4% survival rate [2]. During the...

Diagnosis, wearables and remote monitoring in 15 and 50 years

In 2069 will we look forward to being enslaved by robots, becoming zombies or having our health (and ill health) diagnosed by nanotech? Ajith George muses over what the future holds for us all. The future of healthcare, not just...

To make a difference

Education and training have a key part to play in the development of leaders of the future; Dorte Hammershøi discusses the educational approaches taken in Denmark and the pros and cons of the methods used. Dorte also explains the BEAR...

In conversation with David Baguley

A reflective discussion with a scientist-practitioner in tinnitus David Baguley has worked in audiology at Addenbrooke’s Hospital since 1985, becoming the Consultant Clinical Scientist in 1989. In 2006, David received an International Award in Hearing from the American Academy of...

In conversation with Nick Jones

“I admit to having felt vulnerable and anxious about exposing my work to scrutiny, and I still do.” From nasal reconstruction to poetry composition: retired rhinologist, Nick Jones - author of new poetry collection, Encounter - tells us more about...

In conversation with Rosaleen Shine

Rosaleen Shine is synonymous with ENT and Audiology News. She was a key member of the team that founded what was then ENT News 25 years ago, and is well known to ORL and audiology colleagues all over the globe....

Electronic nicotine delivery systems (e-cigarettes): what you need to know

As an aid to stopping smoking e-cigarettes may have a role, but they are heavily promoted by industry as a leisure pursuit and desirable fashion accessory. Sneh Biyani and Craig Derkay gives a thorough account of what we know about...

Tonsillectomy in adolescents

Tonsillectomy is one of the most common operations performed across the developed world. Salil Sood and Ray Clarke discuss the special considerations that apply when performing this procedure on adolescent patients. Tonsillitis in teenagers can be exceptionally painful and disruptive....