You searched for "otolaryngology"

1307 results found

British Tinnitus Association: a site to add to your bookmarks

What is your reaction when a patient reports having tinnitus? With the exception of audiologists and otolaryngologists who have developed expertise in the area of tinnitus, many of us feel ill-equipped to provide our patients with appropriate guidance. Trying to...

Head and neck robotic surgery – considerations for the surgical trainee

In 2021, training in head and neck cancer surgery would be incomplete without some robotic resections under the belt. Henry Zhang explains how he did it and outlines the options available. With a wide range of applications in both benign...

The ORL App: I challenge you to duel!

'Every day is a school day’ – an age-old saying that is as much a proverb as it is an instruction for allied health professionals. These days, it is hard to keep up with any sort of news - whether...

BACO Revisited - 1991

British Academic Conference (BACO) Revisited: Dublin, 1991 Report by: Musheer Hussain In anticipation of BACO 2020, Musheer Hussain takes a look back at some of the BACO conferences of past years, beginning with a memorable few days in Dublin in...

TSESI 2023 scholarship applications now open

The Tarabichi Stammberger Ear & Sinus Institute (TSESI ) is accepting scholarship applications until 31 December 2022. The scholarship programme is designed to train young otolaryngologists in basic-to-advanced endoscopic ear and sinus surgical techniques. It puts a special emphasis on...

The impact of hearing loss in children with Down syndrome

Hearing loss and language development Down syndrome (DS) usually arises due to trisomy 21 and is associated with intellectual disability and risks of developmental delays and difficulties, including hearing loss. Hearing loss is common in children with DS [1]. In...

The Association of Otolaryngologists in Training: by trainees for trainees

The Association of Otolaryngologists in Training (AOT) is an independent organisation, run by trainees for trainees in the UK for over 25 years. Its aims are to represent all ENT trainees in the UK; to improve and promote standards of...

Royal Society of Medicine – the year ahead

Professor Peter Andrews and Professor Manohar Bance look forward to 2022-23.

Remote consultations: bringing ENT in to the 21st century

The ongoing peaks and troughs of the COVID-19 pandemic have imposed unprecedented challenges on day-to-day healthcare provision that we all took as given across the globe prior to spring 2020! The pandemic has, in many ways, made us push boundaries...

Progress of head and neck surgery in China over the last 20 years

Although China was late to establish head and neck surgery in comparison to other areas of oncological surgery, with the persistent hard work of head and neck surgeons nationally, it has progressed significantly during the last two decades. Yueying Ma...

An update on laryngeal reinnervation

Laryngeal paralysis remains very difficult to treat, but reinnervation offers many attractions. Laryngeal paralysis presents a unique and varied problem that requires a patient centred approach and a range of treatment options depending on laryngeal and patient factors. There is...