You searched for "Cognition"

2016 results found

Greener pastures? Reflections from UK ENT surgeons now practising abroad

Ever considered practising ENT abroad? Here are some experiences of previously UK-based ENT surgeons who took the plunge and are now plying their trade in distant lands. Andrew McCombe ENT ConsultantDate of migration: December 2015Place of work: Mediclinic City Hospital,...

The Ewings and paediatric audiology

Medical historian, Laura Dawes, discusses how Irene and Alexander Ewing were instrumental in shaping paediatric audiology in the first half of the 20th century. Irene and Alexander Ewing were the power couple of audiology in the UK in the mid-20th...

Detecting cancer margins during robotic head and neck cancer surgery using ambient mass spectrometry

We have known about altered metabolism in cancer cells since Otto Warburg described it 97 years ago. But can we take advantage of this knowledge in curing cancer? Jim Higginson explains the value of smoke generated during cancer surgery. The...

ENT in Ethiopia: Aksum-Barts Partnership

In keeping with many other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Ethiopia has a chronic lack of hospitals and doctors. Nadia Ashraf and Tim Crocker-Buqué tell us about a project which aims to improve training in ENT, in a hospital that has...

Changing behaviour with a human factors approach

The Francis Report (2013) identified multiple problems relating to the safety culture of Stafford Hospital in the period 2005 – 2009, as well as serious failings in the supervisory and regulatory systems of the NHS. Particular criticism was directed at...

Establishing a hearing service and ear hospital in Nepal: the Ear Aid Nepal experience

Following the earthquake that devastated Nepal in April 2015, the year ended on a positive note with the opening of an ENT hospital in Pokhara. Mike Smith, a UK-born ENT surgeon has been the driving force behind the conception and...

Do you treat RRP?

Do you treat RRP? Please join the national Airway Intervention Registry: Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis (AIR: RRP) online database. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to a collaborative, UK-wide study collecting real world data on treatments for this rare but...

Pediatric Dysphagia: Etiologies, Diagnosis, and Management

This book is an up-to-date and comprehensive textbook that gives an in-depth understanding and management of all aspects relating to dysphagia. Members of the interdisciplinary team at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Centre, who have an extensive experience in the management...

Treatment of olfactory dysfunction

The sense of smell is crucial to our being able to relish food and experience our environment. Olfactory dysfunction has been trivialised or ignored previously, but the negative consequences of the loss of sense of smell are being increasingly highlighted....

Hyoid bone interposition graft in treatment of laryngotracheal stenosis

Laryngotracheal stenosis remains a challenging condition to manage, with treatment options plagued by either high rates of recurrence or excessive morbidity. The authors describe two cases of adult laryngotracheal stenosis treated by a hyoid interposition composite graft. A two-step procedure...

3D ultrasonography for evaluation of muscles following facial palsy

Reconstructive surgery for facial nerve palsies is not recommended beyond two to three years after a degenerative facial nerve lesion. Since the time course of muscle atrophy is variable, this timeline is a rough guideline. The only assessment method currently...

Tinnitus in patients on therapy with PPI and in PPI non–users

Tinnitus is a chronic and debilitating condition and approximately 10% of the population is afflicted. A myriad of pharmacological treatments for tinnitus are available but only a few controlled studies have shown positive results. The relationship between proton pump inhibitors...