You searched for "aural"

802 results found

In conversation with Prof Helge Rask-Andersen: on cell regeneration and treatment of human deafness

Helge Rask-Andersen, head of the inner ear research laboratory at the University of Uppsala in Sweden, has many achievements to his name. He was made an Honorary Member of ENT UK earlier this year. Gerry O’Donoghue caught up with him...

In conversation with Prof Helge Rask-Andersen: on cell regeneration and treatment of human deafness

Helge Rask-Andersen, head of the inner ear research laboratory at the University of Uppsala in Sweden, has many achievements to his name. He was made an Honorary Member of ENT UK earlier this year. Gerry O’Donoghue caught up with him...

Celebrating CIICA's first anniversary

It was cause for a double celebration: not only was 25 February named as International Cochlear Implant Day, but it was the first anniversary of the CI International Community of Action (CIICA).

SCOTLAND preoperative tympanomastoid CT temporal bone mnemonic system

Learning how to interpret a CT scan of the temporal bones can be a daunting task, especially for a head and neck surgeon like me! However, to make life easier, the authors have devised a useful system to help cover...

‘Bare below the elbows’

So it has finally happened. I have reached that stage of reactionary bewilderment known as middle age. As well having my finger nowhere near the pulse of contemporary culture, I am finding the siren charms of BBC Radio 2 and...

Leadership in healthcare

There is often a great deal of confusion over the words ‘management’ and ‘leadership’. Sometimes they are used interchangeably. Sometimes they are used to represent opposite ends of a spectrum. Sometimes both are used as collective nouns, or to describe an activity.

Tinnitus in middle-age: prevalence and incidence

Population-based studies of tinnitus provide crucial underpinning evidence which highlights the need for further research on the effective diagnosis and clinical management of this heterogenous condition. Furthermore, such studies provide evidence of the burden of this condition both on the...

Using psychological behaviour change theory in vestibular practice

Fiona Barker explains the importance of recognising and understanding how habitual behaviours in vestibular patients can affect treatment outcomes, and how we as audiologists can support and encourage patients to modify these behaviours and perhaps address our own professional behaviours...

Otoacoustic emissions in the diagnostic test battery for hearing loss

So, they are great for screening, but how can otoacoustic emissions be integrated into the diagnostic test battery? Beth Prieve examines the role of diagnostic OAEs by asking three simple questions. Audiologists and otolaryngologists are familiar with otoacoustic emissions (OAEs)...

What’s the appetite for clinical risk?

The first Professor and Chair of Medical Professionalism at RCSI and BSHS, Dubhfeasa Slattery provides an overview of how a desire for better healthcare at all levels can be harnessed and nourished, leading to a potential life-long interest in reducing...

Development of a new negative-pressure ventilatory support device: Exovent

The pandemic has driven innovation in ways that we have not seen for many decades. Intensive care medicine and ENT have been at the forefront of these advances, and our good friends David Howard (never one to put his feet...

Congenital CMV: investigations and management in the audiology setting

Congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) is the only cause of congenital sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) for which there is a medical treatment available to prevent further hearing loss. Dr Simone Walter discusses cCMV infection, cCMV-related hearing loss, and how to facilitate their...