You searched for "Asian"

3991 results found

The first major NHS cancer case performed at HCA London Bridge Hospital Cancer Centre

In the words of Mr Jean - Pierre Jeannon, 'we will get through this together'. Never better demonstrated than through the life saving team work seen yesterday led by JP and Mr Ricard Simo...CLICK HERE

First HN case with respirator

Not heavy, reasonably comfy, claustrophobic, communication difficult; need to be vocal and clear. Allows loupes/ headlights. Protrudes & can desterilise field. Transoral laser microsurgery will be a challenge. - CLICK HERE

ENT UK Synopsis of PPE survey results for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key findings from 258 ENT Surgeons throughout the UK (survey period 23-30 March 2020) which highlight the significant gaps in protection for staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. - PLEASE CLICK ON THE GREEN DOWNLOAD BUTTON

Meet the Johns Hopkins team developing a 3D-printed device allowing COVID-19 patients to share ventilators

    Amid a shortage of ventilators, the team of engineers and clinicians came together to create an open-source ventilator splitter that hospitals and communities can produce. CLICK HERE

Coronavirus: leading surgeon calls for 'Covid-free hubs' to treat cancer patients

Professor Michael Griffin said cancer surgeons are facing 'an impossibly difficult question' of whether to operate amid the coronavirus outbreak. CLICK HERE

Protective SNAP device to be provided free to the NHS

Four thousand SNAP devices will be distributed to all NHS hospitals with an ENT department for free. The device, developed by endoscope-i during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure safe nasoendoscopy assisted procedures, is a one-way valve which fits on to...

Comprehensive Dictionary of Audiology – Third Edition

This resource is useful for students and professionals in the audiology field. It is an updated collection of over 7000 defined audiology terms and includes clear, concise figures and a glossary of abbreviations and audiometric symbols. It seems to be...

Sublingual gland tumour resection

This paper from South Korea analyses the pathology arising from 20 malignant sublingual gland tumours. Adenoid cystic carcinoma followed by mucoepidermoid carcinomas were the most common. Tumour invasion into the lingual nerve was detected in 40% of cases, and into...

Piezoelectric saw reducing sensory disturbance in mandibular osteotomies

This paper from Seattle in the United States looked at 20 patients with a mean age of 19.9 +/- 3.2 years with a fairly standard surgical movement. They found that functional sensory recovery of the inferior alveolar nerve resulted in...

Inner ear immunity

There is much speculation regarding the ear’s immune response. The environment in which we live and breathe is getting ever more complex; aspects such as the percentage of the population with autoimmune conditions are on the rise and, therefore, it...

Small but significant

These authors try to circumnavigate the conundrum of what is influenced by what. For something so small, the impact of the Stria Vascularis cannot be understated. The difficulty in reviewing the influence of loop diuretics or aminoglycosides on the Stria...

TMJ arthrocentesis

This is a paper from Brazil where they attempted to clarify the volume required for an arthrocentesis to the temporomandibular joint. Nineteen cadavers had methylene blue injected into the upper joint space. Conventional arthrocentesis was then conducted with 300ml of...