You searched for "Voice"

1247 results found

Plasticity with cochlear implants: individual factors in the outcomes

Andrej Kral gives us an overview of neuronal plasticity in congenital hearing loss, and discusses why it is core to our clinical interventions in hearing loss and rehabilitation. The brain is born immature and undergoes extensive shaping during early development....

Endoscopic airway interventions in children

Open surgery for paediatric airway pathologies such as subglottic stenosis was hailed as revolutionary when many of today’s paediatric ORL specialists were in training. Equipment, facilities and training has moved on and the high-quality optics in modern endoscopes, coupled with...

Audible Contrast Threshold – a new test to guide setting help-in-noise features in hearing aids

A new diagnostic test that is quick and has directly applicable results to hearing aid settings has arrived, but how does it work? Leigh Martin has the answers. In an earlier article for ENT & Audiology News, Parmar and Rajasingam...

Globalisation, interconnectivity and unintended consequences

Drs Mom and Lea have thrown down the gauntlet, challenging us all to openly assess the global impact we have as countries, societies, surgeons and individuals. Being a surgeon is not all about surgery. How we respond will define our...

Leading and managing audiology service through a social enterprise model

As these things sometimes happen, our first conversations about Social Enterprise happened pretty much by chance and in our case were a by-product of discussions about a new department having outgrown the current one. The National Health Service (NHS) Audiology...

The ear-brain connection: the role of cognition in neural speech processing

Audiologists and other hearing healthcare professionals have become increasingly interested in the importance of cognitive function in the assessment and management of hearing loss, especially in light of evidence suggesting a link between hearing loss and cognitive decline in older...

Binaural Interference: A Guide for Audiologists

This book details what binaural interference is, it looks at the basic principles of this topic and follows the research over the years that has gone into investigating what causes binaural interference. It makes for an interesting read, covering a...

Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma

This book was first published in 2017 in India and PJ Wormald is one of the Associate Editors. It consists of 16 chapters with exceptional surgical photographs, as well as scans of different imaging modalities and illustrations. It is a...

Panetti Endoscopic Ear Instruments

Giuseppe Panetti is a renowned otologist and one of the forerunners of endoscopic ear surgery. One of his major contributions to ENT has been through designing bespoke equipment to assist in some of the challenges of operating endoscopically. In this...

Panetti Endoscopic Ear Instruments

Giuseppe Panetti is a renowned otologist and one of the forerunners of endoscopic ear surgery. One of his major contributions to ENT has been through designing bespoke equipment to assist in some of the challenges of operating endoscopically. In this...

The UK otolaryngology trainees’ lived experience during the COVID-19 pandemic

Much has been published on the concerns and real impact of the pandemic on surgical training. In this article, colleagues from the Association of Otorhinolaryngologists in Training (AOT) in the UK share the experiences of their membership. We invite our...

Birmingham 2020 – think big, think BACO

When Richard Irving and Ann-Louise McDermott made their successful bid to host BACO 2020 in Birmingham, they knew it had far more going for it than the International Conference Centre! Lucy Dalton tells us a little more about the attractions...