You searched for "tip"

1130 results found

The use of THRIVE in laryngology and phonosurgery

The team in Lewisham has been using THRIVE for our phonosurgical cases for about a year. Here, we discuss the pros, cons and potential pitfalls of setting up and using THRIVE as ventilation during anaesthesia rather than using an ML...

IFOS 2021: imagining inspirational continuing professional development

If you expect a virtual presentation to be the same as an in-person presentation, just without the live person in front of you, then you have no imagination. Irrespective of the challenges facing us currently with meeting in person during...

Protective SNAP device to be provided free to the NHS

Four thousand SNAP devices will be distributed to all NHS hospitals with an ENT department for free. The device, developed by endoscope-i during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure safe nasoendoscopy assisted procedures, is a one-way valve which fits on to...

From the editor NovDec 2021

It is such a pleasure to see ever-increasing numbers of meetings going ahead in the coming months – after so much time away from physical gatherings, there seems to be a real hunger for in-person conferences where we can meet up with friends and colleagues.

From the editor MayJun 2022

Declan Costello, MA, MBBS, FRCS(ORL-HNS), Editor, ENT & Audiology News; Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon, Wexham Park Hospital, Slough, Berkshire, UK. E: The horrifying situation in Ukraine has drawn international condemnation of the Russian government; as a consequence,...

Meet Robyn our News & Events Co-ordinator

ROBYN COOPER, News & Events Co-ordinator. Robyn joined Pinpoint Scotland a few months ago and would be delighted to hear from you. If you have a course or conference...

Communication in the age of universal masking: speech-to-text apps to the rescue

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has touched nearly every aspect of our lives, including how we interact with patients. At this point, it is almost hard to remember a time when we didn’t have to wear masks during clinical encounters. Though...

Are you sitting comfortably? Then we shall begin

Paediatric Audiologist, Natalie Stephenson, shares her experience working with children and young people, the impact of lockdown and the value of patient-centred care, throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Am I glad that I know The Gruffalo off by heart? Yes, I...

At-home earplug testing – a first of its kind

As an audiologist, it can be difficult to confirm the proper fit of earplugs. Although we can use sound field testing to assess the attenuation of the earplugs, this is not equipment that every audiology clinic has. Unfortunately, without proper...

In conversation with Ray Clarke: Scott-Brown – The Editors’ view…

Ray Clarke. How did you get involved in the forthcoming Scott-Brown ? How does one become editor of a textbook? Editors are approached and appointed by the publishers, but of course publishers will take advice and soundings from within the...

The Laryngectomee Guide

As a Macmillan Head and Neck Specialist Nurse, I was very pleased to be asked to review this book, The Laryngectomee Guide, by Itzhak Brook, MD. It is fair to say that for most laryngectomy patients, life does go on...

Endonasal Endoscopic Surgery of Skull Base Tumors: An Interdisciplinary Approach

This book sets itself apart from its peers by providing a unique interdisciplinary approach to skull base surgery. As the title implies, there is naturally a huge focus on endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery (between chapters 8 and 15). The...