You searched for "consulting"

1870 results found

Earplugs fit for purpose

The aim of occupational audiology is to prevent hearing loss caused by occupational sound exposure which can exacerbate the long-term effects of central presbyacusis as employees age. To provide the best noise protection over time, research suggests that best practice...

The stubborn polyp cases are ‘different’

The widely different behaviour of nasal polyp disease between patients is a major feature of rhinology practice and makes counselling of patients difficult when approaching their first operative intervention. Setting aside aspirin sensitivity (Samter’s triad), which is known to be...

Hyperacusis and Disorders of Sound Intolerance: Clinical and Research Perspectives

Hyperacusis and other forms of decreased sound tolerance (DST) is an area that many ENT/audiological colleagues would deem as ‘woolly’. This is due to a lack of understanding behind the mechanism of the symptoms, a lack of evidence-based assessment tools...

Supporting parents in improving their child’s hearing device use time

On the topic of supporting parents with improving their child’s hearing device time, The Hearing Journal recommends sharing a video from Hearing First (video provided online by Hear Jour; produced by and provides a unique printable resource for parents...

Controlling tinnitus

The absence of sufficient evidence for the use of integrated sound generators for the management of tinnitus led the authors to conduct a randomised blind clinical trial in which they compared the use of a conventional hearing aid with a...

EBM Stats Calc: there’s a stat for that

Quantifying the value of a specific test or intervention for a patient is no easy feat. Even when the value of a given test or intervention has been established, there may be additional case-specific factors to consider that are not...

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) - Part 2

In the first of this two-part series, Martyn Barnes and colleagues discussed indications for functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), the surgical objectives and techniques, patient expectations and the risks of surgery [1]. In this second and final part, the authors...

EROC 2025

Why I’ll be attending EROC 2025: A delegate’s reflection on EROC Prof Kamal Abdulaziz Daghistani, Professor and Consultant Otorhino-laryngologist, Jeddah, KSA As a dedicated professional in otorhinolaryngology and audiology, attending EROC every year has been nothing short of transformative. EROC...

Branchio Oto Renal syndrome

Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome (BOR) is an autosomal dominant disorder with branchial, otologic and renal manifestations. The presence of clinical signs varies among and within affected families. Three causative genes for BOR syndrome have been reported thus far: EYA1, SIX1...

Acute peripheral vestibulopathy: is it really neuritis?

The pathophysiology of acute vestibular dysfunction has been debated for decades. By seeking to clarify the underlying aetiology, this study muddies the waters further by advocating systemic and intratympanic steroids as first line treatment if the aetiology is uncertain. The...

Don’t smoke after a septoplasty!

This is a retrospective review of 281 patients, all of whom underwent elective septoplasty. Simply put, those who smoked displayed a much higher postoperative septal perforation rate than those who did not. So, some cautionary advice for patients undergoing this...

Migration adventures

One of the most inspiring stories in this issue comes from our very own Shahed Quraishi, OBE. His first mentor in the UK, Pat Bradley, spoke with him about his fascinating journey. Professor M Shahed Quraishi, OBE. Shahed, by way...