You searched for "trust"

797 results found

Opening ceremonies – a necessary evil?

This series of stories is dedicated to those of you with whom some of these moments were shared (or endured) and, above all, to my amazing and long-suffering husband, David Howard. Most of you know him as an exceptional head...

BACO 2015: Meet the Key Brits

The triennial BACO is always a feast of academic and social activity – and BACO 2015 promises to be as busy as ever. We hear from three of the key British speakers who are making big contributions to this year’s...

Developing medical devices for children: opportunities and challenges

The development of medical devices for infants and children lags significantly behind the development of devices for adults. While in the United States the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has set up incentives for developing child age-specific pharmaceuticals, there is...

Nasal and aural foreign body removal: another technique for a common problem

Trying to remove foreign bodies from the ears and noses of children is something we have all struggled with at various times. Many people have their own top tips, and here Oliver McLaren and Alexander Walkden describe an ingenious way...

Transoral Laser Microsurgery of Benign and Malignant Lesions

Published in 2016, this is a textbook that I have cited and recommended in a number of talks on transoral laser microsurgery (TLM). The content and layout is very similar to that of Steiner and Ambrosch’s Endoscopic Laser Surgery of...

Virtual chromoendoscopy (VCE)

‘That’s a funny looking lesion on the larynx, it’s probably benign, but I should take a biopsy.’ Liz Ross and Ajith George discuss whether virtual chromoendoscopy will change this thought process. What are the origins and ENT applications? Traditional chromoendoscopy...

A new hope for post-COVID olfactory loss?

Does anyone remember COVID? It seems that what happened between 2019 and 2021 is all but forgotten about. Aside from it cropping up on news feeds occasionally and a few out-of-date automated phone messages that start off with ‘During the...

Do you treat RRP?

Do you treat RRP? Please join the national Airway Intervention Registry: Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis (AIR: RRP) online database. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to a collaborative, UK-wide study collecting real world data on treatments for this rare but...

A new era in the treatment of recalcitrant nasal polyps?

Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) can be difficult to treat effectively in patients with aggressive or recalcitrant disease. Omalizumab (Xolair) is a monoclonal anti-IgE antibody with proven benefits for patients with moderate/severe asthma and CRSwNP, but this study looks...

Olfactory and gustatory recovery in coronavirus patients after six months

It remains unclear for how long olfactory and gustatory losses persevere in patients with COVID-19. This is a prospective study of 300 patients who lost taste and smell within seven days of contracting COVID-19. The patients were objectively assessed with...

Endovascular therapies for venous tinnitus

Tinnitus is an extremely vexing issue, not only for patients but also for otolaryngologists. The authors of this article review the causes of venous tinnitus, such as increased intracranial hypertension (IIH), dural venous sinus thrombosis and age-related anatomic variants. They...

Should we be utilising the pre-lacrimal approach for maxillary sinus inverted papilloma?

For some time now, gold standard management of the maxillary sinus inverted papilloma has been endoscopic medial maxillectomy (EMM). Recently the endoscopic prelacrimal recess approach (EPLRA) has been reported to provide good access whilst preserving the nasolacrimal duct and inferior...