Three of the recipients of ENT UK Foundation awards, L–R: Wendy Smith, John Hardman and Manish George, along with Victoria Ward and Nirmal Kumar. The ENT UK Foundation is the philanthropic and fundraising arm of ENT UK that seeks to...
The association between pregnancy and otosclerosis is controversial. If pregnancy physiologically increases the likelihood of otosclerosis progression, then one would expect that there would be a difference between male and female patients with regards to whether having children affects how...
Bell’s palsy is an acute idiopathic paresis or paralysis of the peripheral facial nerve. It is the most common cause of facial nerve palsy with a reported incidence ranging from 11.5–55.3 per 100,000. The aetiology remains unclear. Several studies have...
Sound tolerance symptoms in young patients can be a challenge, Veronica Kennedy and Claire Benton share their clinical experience in navigating the issues that can arise in diagnosis and management. In any noisy environment, it’s a common sight to see...
There is a growing interest in investigating, understanding and managing tinnitus in children and adolescents, with several articles on the subject published in journals over the last year. Brian Fligor describes the approaches to consider when discussing tinnitus with teenagers....
There are many good reasons to start using multifrequency tympanometry as opposed to a traditional, single 226Hz probe tone. Here, Leigh Martin of Interacoustics discusses the uses and benefits. Tympanometry is a core test in the audiologist’s test battery. In...
In the second edition of this popular dissection guide the authors have raised the bar even higher, expanding on the infratemporal and middle fossa dissection guide. There is also a brief description of the use of endoscopes in middle ear...
Breakdowns in communication with patients who have difficulty in understanding, speaking or hearing may occur during a consultation. The authors of this paper studied the hearing-related breakdowns in communication especially amongst older adults with hearing impairment (HI) using conversational analysis...
Hyperacusis and other forms of decreased sound tolerance (DST) is an area that many ENT/audiological colleagues would deem as ‘woolly’. This is due to a lack of understanding behind the mechanism of the symptoms, a lack of evidence-based assessment tools...
This experimental cadaver study aimed to investigate the biomechanical qualities of the perichondrium and cartilage, and to determine the strength of the septal cartilage against bending forces. The nasal septal cartilages of 14 fresh cadavers (eight hours post-mortem) without nasal...
Introduction Profound childhood hearing loss has a huge impact on early communication skills, the acquisition of spoken language, and hence on educational attainments and employment prospects. Over the centuries, educators of the deaf attempted to overcome the challenge by using...