You searched for "laryngectomy"

552 results found

Outcomes of larger glottic cancer volumes treated with radiotherapy

T3 glottic cancer is characterised as vocal cord fixation and/or invasion into pre-epiglottic, post-cricoid, paraglottic spaces and/or within the inner cortex of thyroid cartilage. Traditionally, laryngectomy was considered the primary option to treat T3 laryngeal glottic cancers until other options...

Soluvos Medical wishes everyone a great year end!

This year has gone so quickly - just a few meetings left and 2024 will be here!

Laryngeal Cancer: Clinical Case-Based Approaches

This book, published by Thieme, provides a lot of information in a compact size. I enjoyed reading the book as it has an international list of authors and contributors from South America, USA, Europe and Asia which gives it an...

A therapeutic algorithm for tracheoesophageal periprosthetic leakage

Tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis leakage can be intravalvular (more common) or periprosthetic (focus of this study). The authors studied the causes of periprosthetic leakage among 115 patients attending for voice prosthesis management (1374 clinic attendances) treated between December 2014 to December...

Laryngology: past, present and future

Two laryngological authorities trace the history of laryngology, from ancient Rome to the modern day. The structure of the vocal folds was a matter of conjecture until the renaissance when anatomists such as Andreas Vesalius and Julius Casserius demonstrated the...

COVID-19 ENT Useful Resources

Below is a list of useful resources connected to the COVID-19 pandemic. This list will be updated as and when more become available. 1 June - BLA & ENT UK Guidelines (endorsed by RCSLT) : A graduated return to elective...

Visual distraction helps patients tolerate flexible laryngoscopy

With the arrival of flexible fibreoptic laryngoscope some 35 years ago, the examination of the laryngopharynx has become remarkably easier and saves immense time and costs since the days of mirror examination when this examination was not truly satisfactory in...

Robotic surgery for squamous cell cancer: the new frontiers

Although the da Vinci platform was FDA approved for early-stage oropharyngeal cancers, the indications have expanded. In this article, John Hardman explains how surgeons, with greater understanding of the strengths and limitations of robotic surgery, have systematically set out to...

ENT and Head and Neck Procedures: An Operative Guide

This book provides a step-by-step operative guide for over 40 common otorhinolaryngological procedures. One would expect a door stop of a book, however the authors have purposefully kept each section succinct and colourful with an easy to read font. As...

Transoral Laser Microsurgery of Benign and Malignant Lesions

Published in 2016, this is a textbook that I have cited and recommended in a number of talks on transoral laser microsurgery (TLM). The content and layout is very similar to that of Steiner and Ambrosch’s Endoscopic Laser Surgery of...

The fatal illness of Frederick the Noble

Sir Morell Mackenzie is acknowledged as the ‘Father of British Otolaryngology’. He was the leading throat specialist of his time and one of the founders of the Journal of Laryngology and Otology in 1887. He studied in Paris, Vienna and...

Reflected glory: the race to claim the laryngeal mirror

“None of today’s young doctors can start to imagine the feeling of professional helplessness and despair that prevailed before the invention of the laryngeal mirror. Thousands of people died, whom we were not able to help, or even bring relief...