You searched for "endotypes"

206 results found

Comparing surgical freedom of four transsphenoidal approaches to the sella

Four transspenoidal approaches to the sella were performed and studied by the authors on eight silicon-injected cadaveric heads. Surgical freedom, that is, the ability of the surgeon to move his or her hands in a fixed space, was determined with...

Resection margins in head and neck surgery

Although an increasing proportion of head and neck malignancies are treated with non-surgical modalities, when surgery is undertaken an incomplete clearance results in significantly worse prognosis. However, the intraoperative assessment of an adequate margin is difficult. The personal practice of...

Coblation for lingual haemangiomas

Haemangiomas are benign vascular tumours characterised histologically by a marked proliferation of blood vessels. They can be either congenital or acquired, and can affect the tongue, both within the oral cavity and the oropharynx. A variety of interventions exist for...

Is posterior epistaxis really ‘posterior’?

In absence of any clear bleeding points seen on the septum, it is generally presumed that the epistaxis is posterior, especially when simple cauterisation of the septum does not help and may progress to sphenopalatine ligation. In this publication, the...

Getting your nose dry: endoscopic vidian neurectomy – an old technique given new life

We are often faced with patients with intractable watery rhinorhea – patients with no demonstrable allergy, a diagnosis of NAR and no response to ipratropium or capsaicine. For such patients, vidian neurectomy has been devised – an old technique that...

Come and see the UV Smart D60 disinfection device!

The UV Smart D60 is a CE marked (MDR Class IIa) disinfection device specifically designed for channel-less ENT endoscopes and TEE probes.

Atmos Scope: New standards in ENT endoscopy and swallowing diagnostics in HD quality

In April, Atmos MedizinTechnik GmbH & Co. KG will launch the next generation of endoscopes for ENT and swallowing diagnostics— the Atmos Scope.

ESPO 2020

Professor Wytske Fokkens and Professor Valerie Lund on behalf of the EPOS2020 steering group [1] EPOS2020 steering group at final meeting in Leiden, November 2019. In February this year, EPOS2020 was published as a supplement in Rhinology [1], the latest...

eNOS and OME

The pathophysiology of otitis media with effusion (OME) is multifaceted. The authors tackled the nitrous oxide (NO) and platelet activating factor (PAF) pathways and the genetic polymorphism of endothelial nitrous oxide synthetase (eNOS). DNA analysis by PCR and restriction fragment...

Genetic discovery using animal models: presbyacusis

By their very nature, late-onset hereditary disorders offer a large window of opportunity for therapeutic intervention. However, before we can begin to think about strategies we need knowledge of the genetics and pathology underlying the condition. In this article we...

FENTEX Medical welcomes Michael Voegtle as Director of International Sales

Michael Voegtle has joined the Team of FENTEX medical as the new Director of International Sales. Michael has a long and successful track record in the medical industry.

UV Smart D60: sustainability in every disinfection cycle

The UV Smart D60 is a CE marked (MDR Class IIa) disinfection device specifically designed for channel-less ENT endoscopes and TEE probes.