You searched for "APD"

807 results found

Urgent call for surgical supplies in Ukraine

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has caused a major shortage of surgical supplies in hospitals. Irina Gout and Peter Cackett are calling for further relief efforts to provide surgical supplies to under-equipped hospitals in Ukraine.

Strategic Practice Management – 2nd Edition

I was very pleased to take on the task of reviewing this book as I support Starkey’s Business Development Partnership Programme set up to support the UK and Irish Independent sector and to encourage audiologists to run their own businesses....

A Guidebook for the Auditory Perception Test for the Hearing Impaired

The Auditory Perception Test for Hearing Impaired (APTHI) assesses functional auditory skills that are the building blocks for language and academic development. The test is aimed at children with at least a moderate-to-severe hearing loss, aged three and over, but...

Head and Neck Vascular Anomalies: A Practical Case-Based Approach

I was genuinely delighted when this book arrived for review. Usually I get something on vertigo which props up one end of the book case gathering dust. A quick skim through this instantly told me the section editor had blessed...

Videofluoroscopy: A Multidisciplinary Team Approach

This book places videofluoroscopy in the context of a broader, more holistic approach to the management of patients with dysphagia. It recognises that this is perhaps currently the best available tool to aid our understanding of the physiology of normal...

Audiology Treatment

This book brings a great new comprehensive text to audiologists. It is readable, despite most chapters being written by different authors. Dr Galster has edited a collection of chapters from experts in their field into something that is comprehensive, totally...

Cochlear Implants - Audiologic Management and Considerations for Implantable Hearing Devices

This book aims to serve as a must-have resource for those in higher education in audiology and cochlear implant audiologists wanting to go the extra mile in their approach to maximise clinical outcomes for their patients. Jace Wolfe is a...

Robotic Head and Neck Surgery: An Anatomical and Surgical Atlas

I was excited to receive and review this book. Unfortunately I was disappointed to discover the strange paperback spirally bound exterior, which the publisher’s website states makes it robust. It looks anything but robust and, as an intended textbook to...

Children with Hearing Loss: Developing Listening and Talking, Birth to Six – Fourth Edition

This book is targeted at a wide audience, from students and healthcare professionals to parents of children with hearing loss. The book is split into two sections: the first section aims to provide the reader with background infomation about hearing...

Relationship-Centered Consultation Skills for Audiologists: Remote and In-Person Care

With the rise in tele-audiology services alongside changes in hearing aid technology, there is an added importance in providing our patients with the care they need within our clinical settings and remotely. This book highlights the key skills to be...

Fitting and Dispensing Hearing Aids – Third Edition

Fitting and Dispensing Hearing Aids – Third Edition is intended primarily as a course book for “non‑audiologists or undergraduate audiology students who have yet to fit their first pair of hearing aids”. It is aimed primarily at students in the...

Transmastoid facial nerve decompression for persistent traumatic facial nerve paralysis

Facial nerve paralysis (FNP) can occur following trauma, with a small number of these patients requiring facial nerve decompression (FND) to aid recovery. The authors shared their experience in decompressing the facial nerve for persistent severe FNP via a transmastoid...