You searched for "flaps"

1834 results found

Outcome measurements WG5. Developing a core outcome set of measures for tinnitus

Alain Londero presents a large-scale collaboration that invites clinicians and patients to develop a minimum standard for assessing the efficacy of tinnitus treatments. This will become an international recommendation for all clinical trials of tinnitus. WG5 is working towards a...

Current perspectives of tinnitus and its management

Whilst there are various therapeutic options for ameliorating the impact of tinnitus, there is no current approved treatment for attempting to eradicate, or even for reducing, the loudness of tinnitus.

Clinical and financial success by providing specialised audiological tinnitus management

Diagnosis and management of a patient with chronic subjective tinnitus is one of the most labour-intensive areas of hearing healthcare. This is one reason some hearing care providers opt to exclude specialised tinnitus care from their practice: it may not...

Musical perception and the brain: In conversation with Charles Limb

One of the unique aspects of BACO 2020 will be a public engagement event. Charles Limb, an esteemed guest lecturer from San Francisco, will delve deep into the neurological experience of music. Who better than our very own Declan Costello...

Musical perception and the brain: In conversation with Charles Limb

One of the unique aspects of BACO 2020 will be a public engagement event. Charles Limb, an esteemed guest lecturer from San Francisco, will delve deep into the neurological experience of music. Who better than our very own Declan Costello...

The role of training programmes in protecting patients

ENT trainees are fully registered doctors who have responsibilities to comply with the requirements of Good Medical Practice. This includes ensuring that they put the interests of their patients at the heart of their practice. This duty is complementary to...

In conversation with Prof Peter John Wormald: The past, present and future of treating CRS

At ERS2023, Prof PJ Wormald will lecture on the past, present and future of treating chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). We caught up with him recently to hear about the major improvements, the hypes and his dreams for the future of treating...

In conversation with Ray Clarke: Scott-Brown – The Editors’ view…

Ray Clarke. How did you get involved in the forthcoming Scott-Brown ? How does one become editor of a textbook? Editors are approached and appointed by the publishers, but of course publishers will take advice and soundings from within the...

In conversation with Liam M Flood: Middlesbrough (M for Michael? ...nope, Martin!)

Liam Flood. With a name such as Liam you must have some ‘Irish blood’? Where does your family come from? Tell us more? (What did your old man / mum do?) Some Irish blood? Those who know me well would...

A snapshot of UK newborn hearing screening services during the COVID-19 pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, new guidance for newborn hearing screening programmes and management of audiology referrals was released by Public Health England [1,2]. There was also joint guidance from the UK professional bodies [3] and guidance from NHS England regarding...

In conversation with Professor Jos Eggermont

Having known Jos for many years, I jumped at the opportunity to catch up with him for our Nov/Dec 2020 series of tinnitus items. My questions reached him during lockdown, and he was enjoying the chance to get on top...

New toolkit educates GPs on how to support hearing loss patients

An educational toolkit developed by the Royal College of GPs (RCGP), in collaboration with hearing loss charity RNID and NHS England & Improvement, aims to support GPs to deliver care for patients with hearing loss. The RGCP toolkit, sponsored by...