You searched for "APD"

807 results found

Back to the Future

Normally my objective for this column is to highlight an innovation that is already fully realised and on the market. Sometimes it can be fun instead to look forward to what innovations are coming down the pipeline. With that in...

In conversation with De Wet Swanepoel, President of the International Society of Audiology

Gareth Smith caught up with the new President of the International Society of Audiology, De Wet Swanepoel, about the aims of the society, the upcoming World Congress of Audiology and the current state of hearing healthcare in Africa. De Wet...

Evidence based practice in paediatric audiology

Audiology, like most of the health sciences professions, has been working on integrating evidence-based practice principles since the mid-1990s [1]. Professional organisations and regulatory colleges have produced evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, disseminated them to audiologists and collaborated with practitioners to...

Adult speech testing in the UK

What do hearing healthcare providers see as the benefits and barriers to delivering speech testing? This article explores the latest research. Why speech testing? Speech tests have been used across ENT and audiology practice to measure an individual’s speech recognition...

Mind the gap – developing a sustainable pipeline for hearing therapeutics

In this article, the authors describe three key challenges faced in developing hearing therapeutics. Collaboration between companies, sectors and disciplines will be key to finding solutions. The unmet need for therapies for hearing loss grows apace, with prevalence rising across...

Audiology in this issue...The Weird World of Science

Gareth Smith, Consultant Clinical Scientist (Audiology), Southend University Hospital, UK. E: Twitter: @garethlsmith In this edition, I’ve taken rather an editor’s privilege in exploring outside of our mainstays in audiology and widened the field to consider acoustics more widely...

In this issue...Rising to the challenge of COVID-19

Like much of our lives during this period, our planned focus for this issue was suddenly shifted and redefined by the global pandemic. COVID-19 has realigned our personal and professional focus; this issue reflects some of the journey we have...

British Tinnitus Association: a site to add to your bookmarks

What is your reaction when a patient reports having tinnitus? With the exception of audiologists and otolaryngologists who have developed expertise in the area of tinnitus, many of us feel ill-equipped to provide our patients with appropriate guidance. Trying to...

OBE for Mike Smith

Congratulations to Mike Smith, a contributor to ENT & Audiology News, for being awarded an OBE, one of the UK’s most prestigious honours.

Auracast - Bluetooth technology for hearing impaired individuals

Individuals with hearing loss experience difficulties hearing in public places such as auditoriums, movie theatres, places of worship, transportation hubs, gyms and small and large events, to name a few. The traditional communication methods (speakers and PA system) that are...

Organisers announce cancellation of European Audiologist of the Year Award in response to coronavirus COVID-19

The annual European Audiologist of the Year awards event was due to be held later this year. Officials have announced...

CGHH announces plans to donate audiology equipment

The Coalition for Global Hearing Health (CGHH) has announced plans to offer several full-size diagnostic audiometers, hearing aid programming hardware, and miscellaneous supplies for donation to CGHH Members that provide humanitarian services to improve hearing healthcare services in low- or...