You searched for "trust"

781 results found

Are biofilms present in deep neck abscesses?

Why are some cervical abscesses resistant to antibiotic treatment? The authors postulate that a biofilm develops to allow the bacteria to overcome normal host defences. They investigated the micro-environment of deep neck abscesses in a largely paediatric cohort. Biopsies of...

Prevention better than cure?

This systematic review looks at methods of ‘barrier protection’ or ‘barrier-enforcing’ to minimise allergic rhinitis symptoms, using 15 RCTs. Whilst the authors admit that patient numbers were small in a number of these studies, generally it seems that barrier techniques...

Deaf identity is not cookie cutter shaped: a CI user in a hearing world

Sam Burgess tells us what deaf identity means to her as a service manager in a busy healthcare library, with a cochlear Implant. To begin with, I have been deaf since birth due to congenital rubella. I have not known...

Guidance to protect doctors and dentists during COVID-19 pandemic

ENT and facial surgeons issue guidance to protect doctors and dentists during COVID-19 pandemic. Two surgical specialty associations have come together for the first time to protect dentists and doctors examining and treating patients who may have COVID-19 (coronavirus), but...

Biofilms in Otitis

If you haven’t already heard of biofilms, this book will tell you that they are multicellular networks of bacteria encased in a matrix, a complex multidimensional biologic fortress that protects bacteria against changes in the environment, host immune responses and...

Cl-ear ear care range announces collaboration with The Wax Whisperer

Cl-ear, the fastest growing ear care brand of drops and spray¹, welcomes Mr Neel Raithatha, Consultant Audiologist BSc (Hons), RHAD, MSHAA, The Wax Whisperer, as healthcare advisor.

Pharmacologic treatment options for tinnitus

This article summarises potential medications that could be used to treat tinnitus and the evidence behind their use. Effective medications to eliminate tinnitus remain elusive but treatment could be divided into two broad categories: treatment to reduce perception of tinnitus...

A review of topical treatments for chronic rhinosinusitis

Topical nasal treatment is considered the mainstay treatment for chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). The authors reviewed the effectiveness of saline irrigation, topical corticosteroids, topical antibiotics and topical antifungals in the treatment of CRS. Large volume saline irrigation was found to be...

What’s new in protecting hearing?

Preventing an avoidable hearing loss before it begins would be the public health dream. In this article Kathleen Campbell takes us through one option that is showing the potential to fulfil that ambition. Kathleen explains the development of a preventative...

Lawrence Werth (19 October 1956 – 19 August 2014)

In August the audiology community was saddened to learn that Lawrence Werth (57), Chairman of PC Werth Ltd, London had passed away after a brave battle with skin cancer. A prolific contributor to this magazine over the years, he is...

In memory of Robert Allan Yorston (10th March 1920 – 1st October 2016)

In this special feature article, Alan Gibb writes a touching tribute to his friend and colleague Dr Bob Yorston, a Dundee otolaryngologist, who had a special talent for humour and art. In addition to illustrating the eighth, ninth and tenth...

Rhinology: what does the future hold?

David Kennedy surveys the past, the present and the future of rhinology practice and research. An evolution of understanding in rhinology The dramatic growth of clinical and translational research within the field of rhinology in recent years is illustrated by...