You searched for "sleep"

429 results found

In conversation with Simone Botha Welgemoed, dancer and model

In this article, Simone Botha Welgemoed shares deep insights on what it is like to have a profound hearing loss and cochlear implant as a professional ballet dancer and model, and the challenges she faced from childhood to get to...

In conversation with Miss Sujata De: Chair of the ESPO 2023 Local Programme Committee

Su De is one of the UK’s most prominent paediatric ORL surgeons, and has a leading role in planning ESPO 2023. Hannah Emerson caught up with Su recently to explore some of her thoughts and her plans for ESPO. You’ve...

Young CEORL-HNS: empowering the future of otorhinolaryngology

Young CEORL-HNS is a subgroup within CEORL-HNS which encompasses new specialists in ENT within training and up to the first decade or so as an accredited specialist. Giuditta Mannelli is the current president and is a head and neck surgeon...

How cognition influences hearing aid use

Introduction Hearing aids are designed to provide amplification for individuals with poor auditory sensitivity. Signal processing algorithms are designed and implemented in hearing aids to further enhance speech intelligibility and to improve listening comfort by attenuating unwanted background noise. Sarampalis...

Recent changes in vestibular science and assessment

Clinical assessment of the dizzy or imbalanced patient is all about the patient’s history. History, history, history. But what about puzzling cases when we feel we need more information? Sally Rosengren gives us a rundown of the vestibular tests which...

In conversation with Lawrence Cleary

Lawrence Cleary is an art dealer and an ENT patient. He is also a recipient of an MBE for his contribution towards establishing the first multichannel cochlear implant programme in the UK. In this article he discusses with Katherine Conroy...

Why and what should hearing care professionals know about cognitive impairment and dementia

Good reasons to care about cognitive impairment and dementia in audiology If asking people what they fear most when getting to old age, it is cognitive decline that is named most often. This comes with the expectation of limitations in...

The emergence of in-office ventilation tubes for the treatment of otitis media in children

In-office tympanostomy tube systems offer a quicker, anaesthesia-free alternative to traditional surgery for children, with promising outcomes and reduced costs. Tympanostomy tube or grommet insertion is the most common surgery performed on children worldwide. Whilst a relatively short and straightforward...

A one-stop state of the art, non-profit healthcare facility in Pune, India

In 2001, a non-profit healthcare facility was founded in Pune India, providing low and middle income group patients with treatment, not only at a minimum cost, but of a quality which bears the stamp of approval by the Royal College...