You searched for "African"

656 results found

Hearing loss and cognition: something to think about

Irace, Chern and Golub propose causal and non-causal mechanisms for the links between hearing loss and dementia, concluding with a discussion of several proactive measures available to help preserve neurocognitive health in older adults with hearing loss. What is age-related...

Decreased sound tolerance in autism: understanding and distinguishing between hyperacusis, misophonia, and phonophobia

Decreased sound tolerance (DST) affects a significant proportion of autistic people throughout their lifetime and, as Zachary J Williams explains, it is important that clinicians are aware of the three distinct subtypes of DST when making a diagnosis. Autism spectrum...

Erwin Geising and the fall of the Third Reich

It’s mid 1944. The allies have landed at Normandy, the Germans have abandoned Rome and are retreating from the Russians on the eastern front. The Fuhrer was in way over his head and out of his depth. Watching this series...

Screening for hearing loss in primary care

Hearing impairment is one physical disability that is increasing in prevalence in society in general, and in older adults in particular. Approximately 34 to 36 million Americans report suffering from some degree of hearing impairment with the number rising to...

Personal perspective of a hearing aid user: In conversation with Alistair Cruickshank

Alistair Cruickshank explains how he has embraced technological changes to improve his day-to-day listening experiences as a hearing aid user. He explains the importance of experimenting and trying out different approaches and how much he values working closely with his...

In conversation with Nick Jones

“I admit to having felt vulnerable and anxious about exposing my work to scrutiny, and I still do.” From nasal reconstruction to poetry composition: retired rhinologist, Nick Jones - author of new poetry collection, Encounter - tells us more about...

ENT Expert Opinion

The creator of ENT Expert Opinion, Dr Niall Jefferson, was in the midst of his surgical training in Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery in Australia in 2012. In contemplating his upcoming Fellowship exams, he began to seek out resources that...

JAMA Network Reader

Accessing content from The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and its nine specialty journals (including JAMA Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery) has now become a bit easier, thanks to an app designed for viewing JAMA articles on...

Tunity: TV streaming using your phone

Modern advancements in hearing aid technology have helped hearing aid users to hear better in difficult situations. One of these advancements has been wireless technology and accessories, some of which help when hearing aids can’t by bringing the user closer...

Present and future in myringoplasty

Tympanic membrane perforations are a common finding in ENT practice. Whilst watchful waiting or formal tympanoplasty are standard options – wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a low cost, safe, in-clinic option to immediately help patients (I hear you...

Job Ahead: understanding the business and financial aspects of US practice

Dr Christiansen brings over 30 years of experience as a practising otolaryngologist both in private practice and in academic medicine as Associate Professor of Clinical Otolaryngology at the University of Missouri School of Medicine. Dr Christiansen started his career in...

Funding your otolaryngology / audiology idea by partnering with 
the US Department of Defense

The United States Department of Defense (DoD) has been an effective partner in many of our current medical technology advancements, from the surgical robot, to improved clotting wound dressings, to better blood products. For the otolaryngology and audiology entrepreneur looking...