You searched for "APD"

807 results found

Follicle stimulating hormone receptors; an aid for the pathologist?

It is well known that Follicle Stimulating Hormone receptors (FSHRs) are found in extra-gonadal tumours such as those within thyroid tissue. This Polish study analysed 44 thyroid resection specimens to look for the presence of these receptors. No mention is...

ENT Medicine and Surgery: Illustrated Clinical Cases

“My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” Forrest Gump may not have been an otolaryngologist, but he certainly nailed the day-to-day experiences of doctors, as does this textbook of...

Cochlear Implants - Basic Textbook

The book has been written by the sole author Dr Sandro Burdo MD. He is based at the Circolo Hospital in Varese where he has established his practice and wealth of experience. As the title indicates, this is an encompassing...

Hearing: An Introduction & Practical Guide

Hearing: An Introduction & Practical Guide presents a concise overview of the anatomy, physiology, and assessment methods of hearing. It then goes on to delineate and explore the most common pathologies, disorders and management approaches related to hearing impairment. This...

Self-Assessment of Hearing - Second Edition

As an audiologist, I am often reminded of the estimated number of hearing aids that end up in patients’ drawers, rather than in their ears. Although the reasons for non-compliance with amplification are numerous and complicated, the patients’ reported perspective...

Controlling tinnitus

The absence of sufficient evidence for the use of integrated sound generators for the management of tinnitus led the authors to conduct a randomised blind clinical trial in which they compared the use of a conventional hearing aid with a...

A new septoplasty technique

This article describes a novel septoplasty technique to correct a cartilaginous deflection. Although it took a while to understand it as the operative photographs were not very helpful it is an interesting concept. The author excises an inferior strip and...

Cartilage conduction hearing aids: the third pathway for sound transmission and its application

Air-conduction and bone-conduction are familiar terms; now enter ‘cartilage conduction’. This new term offers a novel approach sound transmission. Hiroshi Hosoi explains the concept and proposes some future applications. The new sound pathway ‘cartilage conduction’ can provide various types of...

Audible Contrast Threshold – a new test to guide setting help-in-noise features in hearing aids

A new diagnostic test that is quick and has directly applicable results to hearing aid settings has arrived, but how does it work? Leigh Martin has the answers. In an earlier article for ENT & Audiology News, Parmar and Rajasingam...

A cognitive therapy programme for hearing impairment: reducing avoidance and mental distress

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), a psychotherapeutic treatment method, is most commonly used to treat anxiety and depression. Newly published results from a controlled, clinical study demonstrate that an adapted CBT programme is useful for several common challenges in aural rehabilitation;...

Infant hearing loss impacts spoken language development: identify and intervene early

Early hearing detection and intervention programmes have been implemented in many countries across the globe, but why are these programmes so important and how are our Canadian colleagues managing this process? The consequences of being born with a permanent hearing...

Deaf identity in audiology services: exploring the significance and implications

Dr Celia Hulme, a culturally Deaf * sign language user, draws from her personal experience and extensive PhD research on Deaf signers’ experiences with audiology services. *In this article, the convention of using an uppercase ‘D’ is used to denote...