You searched for "mentor"

1437 results found

ENT in this issue...BACO 2020

Emma Stapleton, MBChB, FRCS (ORL-HNS), Consultant Otolaryngologist, Cochlear Implant and Skull Base Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, UK. E: Twitter: @otolaryngolofox Are you going to BACO?” was the question on everyone’s lips. The year was 2006, I was a junior...

A ‘smarter’ personal amplification device

The hearing aids available on the market today are undeniably impressive, particularly when compared to their clunky and squeaky predecessors. At a most basic level, hearing aids sample the surrounding auditory signal in real-time, breaking sounds down into frequency-specific channels....

Audiology in this issue...Women in Leadership

Priya Carling, AuD, Director and Consultant Audiologist,Kent Hearing Ltd, UK. E: Alex Griffiths-Brown, BSc(Hons), MRes, Audiologist,The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust, Shrewsbury, UK. E: Twitter: @griffithsbrown1 I am going to start off this editorial by clarifying that...

Beware of Bicycle Face!

Many of us were told as children that we would get square eyes from watching too much television. But spare a thought for those late Victorian ladies, embracing their first taste of liberty on a bicycle, who were threatened with...

Manual of Pediatric Balance Disorders - Second Edition

This is a very welcome and recently updated book for those wishing to learn about paediatric balance disorders. It has a multidisciplinary authorship and therefore all the specialties involved in the management of a child with balance problems should be...

Burnout: is this just a pandemic phenomenon?

The phrase ‘burnout’ is often heard, but what is it, and what are the early warning signs? Importantly, how can it be prevented or managed? Over the last few years, health professional wellbeing, mental health, and burnout have come to...

Working with people with hearing loss and dementia

A member of the SENSE-Cog team in the UK, Dr Littlejohn provides an overview of multidisciplinary recommendations for diagnosis, management and care of older adults with hearing loss, vision loss and dementia. She underscores how consideration of hearing status when...

Pharmacologic treatment options for tinnitus

This article summarises potential medications that could be used to treat tinnitus and the evidence behind their use. Effective medications to eliminate tinnitus remain elusive but treatment could be divided into two broad categories: treatment to reduce perception of tinnitus...

Remembering how to speak

Reminiscence therapy (RT) is an approach that provides people with dementia opportunities to recount nostalgic memories and access thoughts for communication. It is one of the most commonly used therapies in aged care settings. The aim of RT is to...

Cochlear implantation in adults has a positive impact on overall cognitive function as early as six months postop

The link between improving hearing and thus improving cognition is an important emerging area of research in hearing rehabilitation, due to the independent association between hearing loss and dementia. This study uses visually assessed neurocognitive tests of working memory, information...

Third-party disability in cochlear implantation

The authors of this study note significant third-party disability experienced by significant others (SO) or communication partners of persons with hearing impairment (PHI). The study explored contextual and psychosocial factors for successful auditory rehabilitation, advocating for the importance of including...

How do you solve a problem like Dysphagia?

When a patient is referred to a speech and language therapist for the management of swallowing difficulties, multiple options are available to address these issues. The choice is based on a detailed assessment of the patient’s swallowing physiology and function....