You searched for "imbalance"

897 results found

Optimising hearing aid solutions for tinnitus sufferers: essential factors to consider

A tailored approach combining counselling, sensory management and perceptual training can improve the effectiveness of hearing aids in managing tinnitus for individual patients. Hearing aids are useful tinnitus therapy tools, according to tinnitus management guidelines. However, there are few published...

From the editor Nov/Dec 2024

Declan Costello, MA, MBBS, FRCS(ORL-HNS),Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon, Wexham Park Hospital, Slough, Berkshire, UK. E: d.costello@nhs.netTW / X: @Voicedoctor_uk Never let it be said that we don’t provide a broad range of topics for you to digest. For...

CIs and the elderly

Although cochlear implantation (CI) is thought to be a predominantly paediatric procedure, more and more adults are candidates for cochlear implants. This retrospective study was performed on 80 adults aged above 50 who were implanted for at least nine months....

Monitored safe medical practice: minimising patient harm will reduce medical negligence bill for the NHS

Patrick Bradley ruminates on a celebrated career in ENT head and neck surgery and suggests that increasing the possibility of positive outcomes to contemporary patient safety initiatives by the NHS must involve efforts to develop an enthusiastic contented workforce willing...

Enhancing performance and well-being for surgeons: the science of life coaching

Life coaching has emerged as a powerful personal and professional development tool, particularly for individuals navigating high-stakes environments. Life coaching emphasises self-awareness, self-management and self-efficacy, including establishing desired outcomes, goal setting and developing skills and action plans to achieve them....

In conversation with Trevor McGill

After more than four decades of paediatric clinical practice, Trevor McGill shares his wealth of experience and knowledge with Pat Bradley. Trevor, as a national and internationally acknowledged Paediatric Oto-Rhino-Laryngologist, Head and Neck Surgeon, to what do you owe this...

Neuromodulation in drug resistant epilepsy

Treatment of epilepsy can be considered generally as medical or surgical. Anti-epileptic drugs achieve a five-year seizure freedom in 54-70% patients. It is estimated that 50-90% of patients with drug-refractory epilepsy may not be candidates for resective surgery. For example,...

Hidden disabilities and cochlear implantation under 12 months of age

There has been a global shift to providing children with severe-profound deafness cochlear implants (CIs) before they are 12 months old. Early intervention is critical and one of the overriding factors in successful outcomes for children with CIs. Early implantation...

Is it beneficial for children to undergo bilateral cochlear implantation before 12 months old?

Universal newborn hearing screening has allowed early diagnosis and, subsequently, early intervention in hearing loss. In 2020 the Food and Drug Administration candidacy criteria for cochlear implants (CI) expanded to include profound sensorineural hearing loss (HL) in children as young...

Long-term results of incus vibroplasty in patients with moderate-to-severe sensorineural hearing loss

The Vibrant Soundbridge (VSB) middle ear implant is now a well-accepted and widely utilised treatment option for patients with sensorineural hearing loss unable to use standard hearing aids. However, as a relatively recent addition to the portfolio of implants available...

The ‘bus stop’ incision for bone-anchored hearing aid placement: a step-by-step approach to soft tissue preparation

There have been many descriptions of soft tissue preparation in the era when subcutaneous tissue was routinely removed with the Nijmegen technique [1] or with the dermatome [2]. More descriptions continue to evolve with the advent of tissue preservation techniques,...

Erwin Geising and the fall of the Third Reich

It’s mid 1944. The allies have landed at Normandy, the Germans have abandoned Rome and are retreating from the Russians on the eastern front. The Fuhrer was in way over his head and out of his depth. Watching this series...