You searched for "healthcare"

567 results found

The future of audiology rehabilitation? Smartphone apps to collect real-world experiences and support clinical decision-making

Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) is gaining momentum in the world of connected hearing healthcare and real-world assessment. Barbra Timmer explains how EMA will play a key role in transforming the information that clinicians use in decision-making and measuring outcomes. Did...

Recent advances in the diagnosis of silent reflux

The vexed topic of reflux always generates much discussion, particularly when it comes to testing. We hear about a non-invasive assay that is gaining in popularity. Voice disorders impact around four percent of the UK population and can significantly hamper...

European Laryngological Society (ELS) meets British Laryngological Association (BLA)

The meeting of the European Laryngological Society in May is being held in London, and is co-hosted by the British Laryngological Association. The President of the ELS, Ricard Simo, and the Secretary of the BLA, Declan Costello, exchanged thoughts about...

Hemilaryngopharyngeal Spasm (HeLPS)

The authors report an unusual case of hemilaryngopharyngeal spasm (HeLPS) with glossopharyngeal neuralgia with otalgia in a middle-aged female patient. Her symptoms included left-sided sharp, electric sensation like pain radiating from her left ear to the left side of her...

Tunity: TV streaming using your phone

Modern advancements in hearing aid technology have helped hearing aid users to hear better in difficult situations. One of these advancements has been wireless technology and accessories, some of which help when hearing aids can’t by bringing the user closer...

What’s new in laryngology: the next 10 years!

At a time of unprecedented technological advances, Taran Tatla and Jonathan Fishman gaze into the laryngological crystal ball… Introduction The recent explosion in science, technology and innovation takes us into a new era, with the opportunity and capability to transform...

The effects of polypharmacy in the elderly

Another pill to cure the ill? Alec Lapira discusses the warning signs of polypharmacy in the elderly population. Polypharmacy in the elderly Polypharmacy – defined as the use of five or more medications – occurs in 20–37% of older people...

OTC hearing aids

The potential for the deregulation of hearing aid technology, through the Over-The-Counter Act has led to a tremendous amount of opinions and views from all stakeholders in the US. You don’t have to go far on the internet, social media...

What is Transnasal Humidified Rapid-Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange (THRIVE)?

THRIVE is a physiological mechanism for oxygenating and ventilating patients who are under general anaesthesia and who have diminished or absent respiratory effort [1]. Classical ventilation requires bulk flow of gases into and out of the lungs driven by chest...

In conversation with Emma Stapleton, winner of the Hunter Doig Medal 2022

The Hunter Doig Medal is awarded once every two years to a female Fellow or Member of the Royal College of the Surgeons of Edinburgh who has demonstrated outstanding career potential and ambition. The medal is named after two female surgeons, Alice Headwards-Hunter and Caroline Doig.

Can we prevent chronic rhinosinusitis?

The old adage ‘prevention is better than cure’ is considered by Professor Hopkins in respect to chronic rhinosinusitis, a condition affecting around 10% of the adult population and associated with huge impact on quality of life and economic cost. A...

When things go wrong

The new-age, Paediatric Surgeon, Ray Clarke, (fear uasal, íseal), eloquently demands throwing off the shackles of the past and welcomes the dawning of an era of openness, transparency and candour, preferably suffused with compassion for both the patient and the...