You searched for "infection"

2991 results found

Vascular vertigo and dizziness: diagnostic criteria

This diagnostic criteria is one of the latest produced by The Bárány Society. It is a useful addition to previous ones for vestibular disorders. Vascular vertigo/dizziness by definition is caused by stroke, transient ischaemic attack (TIA), isolated labyrinthine infarction/haemorrhage and...

Extracapsular dissection versus parotidectomy

This is a literature review of 16 papers using the PRISMA protocol. In comparing the two techniques, not surprisingly, they found that extracapsular dissection was associated with a reduced incidence of facial nerve paralysis and Frey’s syndrome and a shorter...

Continuous Ambulatory Vestibular Assessment (CAVA)

This article presents initial test findings using a novel system called CAVA - Continuous Ambulatory Vestibular Assessment. Akin to the 24-hour ECG tape to identify cardiac arrhythmias, this system aims to continuously monitor the presence of a nystagmus pattern in...

Emerging robotic systems for head and neck surgery

As of December 2020, seven robotic surgical systems have received approval for use in different jurisdictions, and many more task-specific robots are in the pipeline. Jack Faulkner takes us through what’s on the horizon for head and neck cancer surgery....

Quo vadis FESS? Future directions in functional endoscopic sinus surgery

Endoscopic sinus surgery is now so ubiquitous that it is hard to imagine a time when it was not part of our clinical practice. Valentin Tomazic takes a look at its early development and looks ahead to endoscopic sinus surgery...

Military acoustic trauma: incidence and management

This is a retrospective study on the effects of acute acoustic trauma on the hearing thresholds of 225 military personnel. The main symptom after acute acoustic trauma due to firearm use was tinnitus. The authors consider it as the main...

The ear-brain connection: the role of cognition in neural speech processing

Audiologists and other hearing healthcare professionals have become increasingly interested in the importance of cognitive function in the assessment and management of hearing loss, especially in light of evidence suggesting a link between hearing loss and cognitive decline in older...

The hot nose

Capsaicin nasal spray can offer moderate to significant symptomatic relief to 70-80% of patients with idiopathic rhinitis (IR). Efficacy was also shown in lab studies. Nasal hyper reactivity (NHR), absence of allergy / infective rhinosinusitis, age limits (18-60), no anatomical...

Transmastoid facial nerve decompression for persistent traumatic facial nerve paralysis

Facial nerve paralysis (FNP) can occur following trauma, with a small number of these patients requiring facial nerve decompression (FND) to aid recovery. The authors shared their experience in decompressing the facial nerve for persistent severe FNP via a transmastoid...

Call to enter WHO Film Festival

Submissions for the fourth edition of the Health for All Film Festival (HAFF) are open until 31 January 2023. Run by the World Health Oganisation (WHO), the HAFF celebrates the art of short films as a means of raising awareness of global health issues.

Hearing Assistive and Access Technology

Authored by audiologists, the book primarily discusses a range of hearing assistive and access technologies (both old and new), and outlines how each device works, which scenarios it is best suited to, and its limitations. Divided into four sections, the...

Paediatric coblation intracapsular tonsillectomy

The ENT-UK tonsillectomy audit in 2005 created understandable caution in the promotion of Coblation techniques. This prospective study on 100 consecutive paediatric patients looked at outcomes following ‘cold’ radiofrequency ablation (Coblation) intracapsular tonsillectomy. This series shows the technique to be...