You searched for "Cocaine"

1320 results found

Adenoid cystic carcinoma – insights from a national database

Adenoid cystic carcinoma (AdCC) is a rare cancer of the salivary glands that accounts for approximately 1% of all head and neck malignancies. Hallmarks of this cancer type include a predilection for perineural infiltration, a prolonged clinical course with late...

OBITUARY: Prof Shanmugam Kameswaran (1923-2021)

Professor Shanmugam Kameswaran was born in 1923 and did his MBBS and MS at Madras Medical College, India, under PV Cherian who later became the Governor of Maharashtra, India. He worked as his assistant and left for the UK in...

The sound of music for adult cochlear implant recipients

Dr Valerie Looi has dedicated her academic career to investigating music perception in people who have cochlear implants, and more recently, the potential of music training for improving their music perception. This article outlines current research relating to music perception...

“Oh Manchester is Wonderful”...And other chants you might hear from the football stands or at BACO

Chris Potter is a lad of the North West, and we see him here letting his bleach blond hair grow out to show us his Northern roots. When I was a lad, Manchester was a troubled city in apparent terminal...

In conversation with David Baguley

A reflective discussion with a scientist-practitioner in tinnitus David Baguley has worked in audiology at Addenbrooke’s Hospital since 1985, becoming the Consultant Clinical Scientist in 1989. In 2006, David received an International Award in Hearing from the American Academy of...

Current perspectives of tinnitus and its management

Whilst there are various therapeutic options for ameliorating the impact of tinnitus, there is no current approved treatment for attempting to eradicate, or even for reducing, the loudness of tinnitus.

What’s new in hearing aid technology? Requisites for successful implementation of eHealth in hearing health care

Like Eeyore in AA Milne’s Winnie the Pooh stories it appears we all will soon have a personal cloud, but unlike Eeyore this will be something to celebrate! The future of hearing aid technology is in the cloud argues Uwe...

Advances in ear and hearing telehealth

Telehealth in ear (or tele-otology/tele-audiology) and hearing care has steadily increased as an area of both research and clinical interest over the past 15 years [1]. Driven by rapid advances in connected technologies and wide-ranging potential use cases, telehealth had...

In conversation with Duncan Boak, founder of Fifth Sense

Anosmia Our sense of smell is something we take for granted – but imagine if it wasn’t there… We see many patients who struggle with anosmia, but perhaps don’t always appreciate how much of an effect it has on their...

Listening and Spoken Language Therapy for Children with Hearing Loss

I’d like to start this review with a disclaimer – I don’t deliver speech and language therapy but am interested in how speech, language and communication are developing in the children we see with hearing loss within audiology. I found...

Deep space neck infections and their management

This article explores the approach to managing patients with deep space neck infections. Clearly, an understanding of the fascial planes within the neck is required which then provides an understanding of the route of spread in these cases. The authors...

Laryngeal Cancer: Clinical Case-Based Approaches

This book, published by Thieme, provides a lot of information in a compact size. I enjoyed reading the book as it has an international list of authors and contributors from South America, USA, Europe and Asia which gives it an...