You searched for "Cocaine"

1320 results found

Balance Disorders: A Brief Overview

Managing balance patients poses a challenge for many clinicians. Vestibular disorders affect a large part of the population and hence present to various specialties including ENT, audiology, neurology and primary care. The healthcare cost of balance disorders and any resultant...

On-call in ENT Surgery

The On-call in ENT Surgery, as part of the On-call Series, is written explicitly as the “survival guide” for all junior doctors starting out in ENT or as “a tool to aid consolidation of knowledge gathered by more senior ENT...

Audiological Research Over Six Decades

This is Dr James Jerger’s - one of the greatest - legacy of the vast contributions to the field of diagnostic audiology assessment throughout his career in a historical overview format. This is a concise and one-of-a-kind book, written without...

Instrumentation for Audiology and Hearing Science: Theory and Practice - Second Edition

This book is informative, with concise explanations of basic principles of physics and technology aiding the reader in understanding how these are related to instrumentation used within audiology and scientific aspects of hearing. A valuable text to have on the...

Key topics in Otolaryngology – Third Edition

Eighteen years after the second edition of Key Topics in Otolaryngology, Nick Roland and his co-editors have published the long-awaited third edition. This concise book has been the friend of the examinee for the last two decades within UK and...

Why do septoplasties fail?

If you are amongst the ones who wonder what keeps your patient blocked in spite of a reasonable septoplasty, it will be worth your time going through the chapter on nasal valve management. The concise table detailing the surgical techniques...

Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder

This is a concise summary of auditory neuropathy and current knowledge of the disorder through review of a recently published article. The terminology of this hearing disorder implies the site of the lesion is neural; however the characteristic electrophysical signature...

To Hear Again, To Sing Again: A Memoir by Ellis Douek, ENT Surgeon and Hearing Implant Pioneer

“The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.” LP Hartley’s immortal words could have been written for these fascinating reflections on the practice of ear, nose and throat surgery during the second half of the 20th century....

Implantable Hearing Devices

Implantable Hearing Devices is aimed principally at ENT surgeons in training and as a resource for otological surgeons wanting to know more about the devices available. The authors state it is a clear, concise, and comprehensive book offering answers to...

Hyperacusis and Disorders of Sound Intolerance: Clinical and Research Perspectives

Hyperacusis and other forms of decreased sound tolerance (DST) is an area that many ENT/audiological colleagues would deem as ‘woolly’. This is due to a lack of understanding behind the mechanism of the symptoms, a lack of evidence-based assessment tools...

XI IAPO Manual of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology

The XI IAPO Manual of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology is a very useful resource for all practitioners working in an ENT-related field that wish to be kept informed of the latest research and development in paediatric ENT. This is published by the...

Surgical Paediatric Otolaryngology, Second Edition

This is a well-written and illustrated surgical atlas of paediatric otolaryngology by authors who are senior and experienced paediatric otolaryngology head and neck surgeons working at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. This text is a comprehensive...