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2015 results found

Screening for hearing loss in primary care

Hearing impairment is one physical disability that is increasing in prevalence in society in general, and in older adults in particular. Approximately 34 to 36 million Americans report suffering from some degree of hearing impairment with the number rising to...

A funny thing happened on the way to a conference – and other stories

This series of stories is dedicated to those of you with whom some of these moments were shared (or endured) and, above all, to my amazing and long-suffering husband, David Howard. Most of you know him as an exceptional head...

Third-party disability in cochlear implantation

The authors of this study note significant third-party disability experienced by significant others (SO) or communication partners of persons with hearing impairment (PHI). The study explored contextual and psychosocial factors for successful auditory rehabilitation, advocating for the importance of including...

The paediatric dilemma of one ear in and one ear out of NICE criteria

The auditory implant team in Manchester have implanted a cohort of children where audiological thresholds meet the NICE guidance for cochlear implantation (CI) in one ear only, and the other falls into moderate, severe or sloping loss. These children are...

The DOSO outcome measure

The subjective outcome measures are a crucial element of the auditory rehabilitation process for hearing aid fitting. Authors hypothesised that normative data used for the device-orientated subjective outcome (DOSO) were no longer valid for new hearing aids technologies (2015-era technologies)....

Talking through technology – keeping up with the mainstream

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) system development has often made early use of innovative technology. Touch screens have been a part of this technology for some time. In fact, touch screens were invented in 1965 but it wasn’t until the...

When you regret an implant!

Cochlear implants (CIs) offer a solution to hearing loss not helped by conventional hearing aids. CIs help in improving speech recognition scores. While significant, it is not sufficient to provide satisfaction in some implantees. Alignment between expectations and realistic outcomes...

Auditory brainstem implant results in adults and children

Background The auditory brainstem implant (ABI) has been developed from cochlear implant (CI) technology and is indicated for people who have anatomical abnormalities of the cochlea or dysfunction of the auditory nerve. The majority of people who have received an...

Surgeons and swearing

We will all know colleagues who have raised the act of swearing to an art form; just as Malcolm Tucker in The Thick of It could cut a workmate in half with a well-placed swear word, surgeons can be equally...

Face shield modification in ENT during COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID pandemic has caused a huge disruption to our lives, not least at work where safety restrictions and the widespread implementation of PPE have led to some challenges to carrying out routine ENT work. In this article, the authors...

Globe trotter: Vasant Oswal launches memoir

Vasant Oswal was brought up in an era when public transport in India relied on horses. From humble beginnings in Pune in the western state of Maharashtra, he went on to become a pioneer in laser surgery in the larynx. He would also receive a Fellowship by Election at the Royal College of Surgeons, not to mention serving as Editor in Chief of ENT and Audiology News.

Leeway: Reaching Beyond Expectations

Leeway is a book that takes us through an 80-year journey of one man’s determination, ambition and unbelievable achievements. Prof KJ Lee, as he is known to many today, was born in Malaya in 1940. Ahchu, ‘sweet potato’ in Malaysian,...