You searched for "Ponto"

969 results found

Soft tissue changes following maxillary osteotomy, comparison of three computer programmes

This small group of seven patients had a Le Fort I advancement maxillary osteotomy with vertical repositioning and alar base cinch sutures. They were assessed with cone beam CT’s three months preoperatively and one year postoperatively. A clinical comparison between...

Is combined two wall decompression approach a better surgical outcome for Grave’s orbitopathy?

This retrospective study looked at the outcome of endoscopic medial wall combined with transcutaneous lateral orbital wall decompression in Graves’ orbitopathy. The following parameters were studied: reduction in proptosis; change in visual acuity and diplopia. A total of 36 orbits...

Speech Sound Disorders: Comprehensive Evaluation and Treatment

As an audiologist specialising in paediatrics, I reviewed this book out of interest to hopefully broaden my knowledge of a somewhat related subject. I found this an interesting read with some good points made, such as the long-term outcomes for...

Microbiome changes after endoscopic sinus surgery: all is not what it seems

As we keep fighting a losing battle with bacteria and antibiotics, it becomes clear that it is not about killing bacteria, not even diminishing the bacterial load, but rather about shifting the different types of bacteria that colonise and live...

Invasive differentiated thyroid cancer

The majority of patients presenting with differentiated thyroid cancer have early small disease with excellent long-term outcomes. However, aerodigestive tract invasion is reported in around 10% of case series and is a poor prognostic factor. This article has been authored...

Steroids pre-FESS

This meta-analysis and systematic review from the Netherlands and the UK aims to answer the question of whether corticosteroids inhaled and / or taken orally are beneficial to patients with chronic rhinosinusitis undergoing functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Refreshingly 18 RCTs...

The evidence for various treatments of autoimmune ear disease

The difficulty with this disease entity is that it is a heterogeneous group of conditions affecting the ear and a widely accepted diagnostic criteria does not exist. It is therefore difficult to conduct a well controlled trial and this systematic...

Tricky post-laryngectomy swallows

Despite improvements in chemoradiation therapy and the adoption of organ preservation for some head and neck cancers, total laryngectomy remains the treatment often providing best survival chances for advanced laryngeal cancer. This article reviews the causes of dysphagia post-laryngectomy and...

Interacoustics continues successful online training

Throughout the corona pandemic, the Interacoustics Academy has hosted numerous online training events for audiology and ENT professionals.

Budesonide irrigation in polyposis

It is very well known through many RCTs and now meta-analyses that saline-based irrigation is beneficial in patients after sinus surgery. It is also demonstrated that intranasal steroids are beneficial postoperatively but there is also a trend for steroid based...

Vestibular screening in occupational medicine

Occupational vestibular disorders carry a high medico legal and economic burden. The occupational medicine physician must rely on rapid, non-invasive, economical and reproducible screening tests. This article compares the simplified caloric test of Veits (CTV) with the skull vibration-induced nystagmus...

Contemporary Rhinology Science and Practice

Contemporary Rhinology Science and Practice is an excellent textbook that provides a comprehensive and up-to-date approach to various rhinology and skull base conditions. This text expertly integrates both applied science and clinical aspects, making it an invaluable resource for practitioners...