You searched for "somatosensory"

40 results found

Persistent symptoms of smell loss after COVID-19 infection

Anosmia as a result of COVID-19 infection is well recognised. This timely and topical French paper looks at 115 patients with proven SARS-CoV-2 infection, who were contacted with specific questions about olfactory and gustatory disturbance. They found 81% of patients...

Surgical variations in maxillomandibular surgery treating sleep apnoea

This is a scoping review further highlighting the success in curing sleep apnoea with a maxillomandibular complex advancement. The variations outlined are on East and Southeast Asian patients to reduce the aesthetic concern of bi-maxillary protrusion when large advancements are...

Advancing the tongue in OSA surgery

This article further delineates the options for hypopharyngeal OSA and describes the technique of genioglossus advancement to improve the tension in the tongue base. The authors take the reader through the relevant anatomy appropriate to the procedure and describe the...

Loss of smell after COVID-19: a view from the patient forums

Patient advocate, Chrissi Kelly, founder of AbScent, talks about how the pandemic has changed the way we think about smell loss. The high prevalence of chemosensory impairment as a result of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has shone a much-needed spotlight on...

Does septoplasty improve smell?

This is a study from Barcelona on a very interesting topic: does septoplasty change sense of smell? The theory being that a deviated septum would prevent airflow to the olfactory region and once the anatomical obstruction has been relieved, that...

Modernising scientific careers and audiology in the United Kingdom

Modernising Scientific Careers (MSC) is an education and training strategy for 51 disciplines in healthcare science within the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom (UK). Some of these disciplines lacked clear training routes as well as registration opportunities...

From Hippocrates to COVID-19: sniffing out the disease

The ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates, used the ‘art of smell’ to diagnose diseases around 400BC. He also formulated miasmatic theory, which posited that disease is caused by bad smells. Bad air was strongly believed by many physicians to be the...

In conversation with Duncan Boak, founder of Fifth Sense

Anosmia Our sense of smell is something we take for granted – but imagine if it wasn’t there… We see many patients who struggle with anosmia, but perhaps don’t always appreciate how much of an effect it has on their...

Funding your otolaryngology / audiology idea by partnering with 
the US Department of Defense

The United States Department of Defense (DoD) has been an effective partner in many of our current medical technology advancements, from the surgical robot, to improved clotting wound dressings, to better blood products. For the otolaryngology and audiology entrepreneur looking...

Rhinology: what does the future hold?

David Kennedy surveys the past, the present and the future of rhinology practice and research. An evolution of understanding in rhinology The dramatic growth of clinical and translational research within the field of rhinology in recent years is illustrated by...

Running a post-COVID smell clinic

Over the past year, much of our effort as a speciality has been directed towards crisis management and keeping services afloat. Our practice has changed in untold ways, but unprecedented numbers of patients with smell disorders will increasingly require our...

Olfaction in CRS

Conventional teaching tells us that hyposmia in chronic rhinosinusitis is due to mechanical obstruction of the olfactory cleft. But it might be that the story is slightly more complicated than that. Olfactory dysfunction is a common feature of chronic rhinosinusitis...