You searched for "imbalance"

897 results found

Wound moisture sensing in traumatic wounds

Wounds can be small and unpleasant, or may be large and life-threatening. The skin is a physical and an immunological barrier to infection, and any defect in the integrity of the skin may enable bacterial or fungal invasion. The successful...

A multidisciplinary approach to the management of the adult balance - dizzy patient

Richard Gans and Kimberly Rutherford, renowned experts from The American Institute of Balance, give their team’s overview of the stages involved in reaching ‘diagnosis based strategies’. For the dizzy patient, this focuses on patient-centred clinical pathways for individualised therapy with...

Audiovestibular findings in children with enlarged vestibular aqueduct

Enlarged vestibular aqueduct is reported to affect up to 15% of the paediatric population with sensorineural hearing loss. Devin McCaslin and Bridget Smith provide an up-to-date overview of the mechanisms and clinical symptoms underlying the condition and share some of...

Balance and vestibular disorders in children

Discover the world of paediatric vestibular assessment and management from the team at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, which is revolutionising services in this field. Dizziness and balance problems generate significant morbidity in children of all age groups. Vestibular disorders are...

Manual of Paediatric Balance Disorders

There is a lot of literature available describing the pathophysiology and causes of balance disorders in adults. However, balance disorders in children are not as well understood and this is reflected in the relative dearth of literature. The standard reference...

Treating voice disorders in singers

There are few ENT surgeons who have as much insight into singers’ problems as Nick Gibbins. A good knowledge of working patterns, repertoire and the physiology of ‘vocal athletes’ is essential. He shares a few thoughts with us. When deciding...

Neuroimaging of the Auditory and Vestibular Systems: A Clinician’s Guide

Neuroimaging of the Auditory and Vestibular Systems offers a comprehensive exploration of neuroimaging techniques as they pertain to the auditory and vestibular systems. This book is a valuable resource for clinicians, researchers and post-graduate students interested in the up-to-date diagnostic...

Assessing dizziness-related quality of life in the paediatric population

In this article, Devin McCaslin and Gary Jacobson share their experience of assessing dizziness-related quality of life in paediatric patients, and demonstrate that the involvement of care-givers is vital in ensuring the most appropriate assessment and treatment for this particular...

Objective Measures in Cochlear Implants

‘Objective Measures in Cochlear Implants’ is likely to appeal to audiologists working with cochlear implant recipients. However, the author has also included two introductory chapters covering the basics of a cochlear implant and signal delivery for those with less experience....

Prudent audiology

Introduction In January 2014, Professor Mark Drakeford, Minister for Health and Social Services, defined Prudent Healthcare as, “Healthcare that fits the needs and circumstances of patients and actively avoids wasteful care that is not to the patient’s benefit.” ‘Prudent’ healthcare...

Targeting the microbiome in chronic rhinosinusitis

Researchers at St Paul’s Sinus Centre and UBC in Vancouver are testing a novel treatment for CRS: transferring mucus from a healthy donor into a patient’s sinuses. Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is one of the most common diseases managed by otolaryngologists...

Audiological monitoring in ototoxicity - Are we doing enough?

In this article Ghada Al-Malky explores the dichotomy of life-saving, yet hearing loss-causing medication, and questions whether the hearing healthcare community is doing enough to prevent preventable hearing loss. Ototoxicity is the damage to hearing and / or balance functions...