You searched for "imbalance"

897 results found

Transnasal endoscopic orbital decompression

Surgery for the eye complications of Grave’s disease is an area that, over the years, ENT has become more and more involved in due to our ability to access the orbit endoscopically. In this article, the authors describe their technique...

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) - Part 2

In the first of this two-part series, Martyn Barnes and colleagues discussed indications for functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), the surgical objectives and techniques, patient expectations and the risks of surgery [1]. In this second and final part, the authors...

Cochlear implantation in Tanzania: the journey and the outcomes

It is estimated that over 400 million people worldwide live with disabling hearing loss, 39.9 million of whom live in sub-Saharan Africa [1]. This article by Dr Aveline Kahinga and Mr Ali Jaffer demonstrates the effort that has been made...

Aligning hearing and cognitive healthcare in older people

Published in print under the titleHearing care and dementia: professional insights on the new Lancet Commission findingsThe Lancet Commission on ‘Dementia prevention, intervention and care: 2024 report’ highlights a list of potential modifiable factors to reduce dementia risk. As with...

Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 8th edition

If there’s one thing I love about a book review, it’s the unique opportunity to handle, peruse and imbibe a piece of work before it reaches the masses. There are few things more enjoyable than engaging with printer-fresh pages and...

A bittersweet finding

This is an elegant study, documenting the role of, and activation of, nitrous oxide in chronic sinusitis. Bitter taste receptors (TR2) have recently been identified as novel ‘players’ in sinonasal innate immunity and in chronic rhinosinusitis. The receptors are triggered...

Audiology in this issue...Multidisciplinary Teams

Marsha Jenkins, BSc Hons, MSc, Principal Clinical Scientist (Audiology), St Thomas’ Paediatric Hearing Implant Centre, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust E: Twitter: @GSTTnhs I am delighted to guest edit this collaboration of various clinical MDTs from...

Pollen forecasting apps: don’t worry, bee happy!

Hay fever sufferers rejoice! Around a fifth of people in the UK self-report to having hay fever (allergic rhinitis). In the majority of cases, this is thought to be a sensitivity to grass pollen. Symptoms may present as nasal congestion,...

ENT leadership

Challenges The first challenge is to agree what we mean by the term leadership because there are many different ways in which the term is used. What is, however, a consensus is that the key distinction between leadership and management...

Help shape the future of mild to moderate hearing loss research

A James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership has been formed to help shape the future of research into mild-moderate hearing loss. Who is the Priority Setting Partnership? The Partnership brings together Hearing Link, Action on Hearing Loss, the British Society...

Vicarious (nasal) menstruation

Hippocrates himself is known to have said that when a woman’s menses are due, but instead of the usual vaginal menstrual flow, she has a haemorrhage from the nose, then this is a sure sign of pregnancy [1]. Artist’s impression...

Being a doctor abroad – comparing the Greek healthcare system with the NHS

Healthcare systems and training programmes vary significantly across the world. By learning about other healthcare systems, we can identify blind spots in our own system and continue to improve training. Sofia Anastasiadou, an ENT Registrar in South West England, describes...