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1060 results found

National analysis of outcome of head and neck cancer surger

Patient outcomes continue to become ever more visible in the NHS with ongoing drives to demonstrate transparency in our delivery of healthcare. This article reviews unit-level data publication using Hospital Episode Statistics data in all units undertaking head and neck...

How effective are our two-week-wait guidelines in picking up head and neck cancer?

With a 30% increase in the incidence of head and neck cancer since 1999 in the UK, it is important that the two-week wait referral guidelines safely encompass all risk factors but also render these urgent referrals based on signs...

Occurrence of cancer in asymmetrical tonsillar enlargement in adults

With significant increase in head and neck cancer in the last decade, attributed to HPV, fast-track referrals from primary care have markedly increased, adding further to the burden on the NHS. Whether or not unilateral tonsillar enlargement alone, without red...

Previous radiotherapy does not cause worse outcomes in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer

Radiation exposure from nuclear incidents, especially in childhood, is known to increase the risk of thyroid cancer. This large retrospective study from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre sought to determine if thyroid cancers in patients with prior exposure to...

Amount of dietary iodine and thyroid cancer

Two molecular scientists from Zurich wrote this paper as a systematic review, asking the question of whether dietary iodine intake is a risk factor for developing thyroid cancer later on life. They speculate that low iodine intake is a risk...


Held from June 15 to 19 at the Dublin Convention Centre, this was an unmissable event for ENT surgeons and allied health professionals across the world. Hosted by Professor John Russell, the President of the Confederation, the event brought together...

ENT in this issue...IFOS Vancouver

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused us great concern for the health and safety of our patients, communities and colleagues around the world. Although we continue to plan for IFOS 2021 in Vancouver, Canada, at this time, we must plan for...

ENT in this issue...Entrepreneurs and Innovation

Innovation has been the by-word of almost every meeting for the past five years. But what is it really? And how do we achieve it? I’ve always thought of it as a way of solving problems you have, not only...

ENT in this issue...Historical Figures in ENT and Audiology

GUEST SECTION EDITORS Katherine Conroy, ST7 at Manchester Royal Infirmary, Northwestern Deanery, Department of ENT, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester, UK. E: Prof Ray Clarke, BA, BSc, DCH FRCS, FRCS(ORL), Consultant Paediatric ENT Surgeon, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool, UK;...

EUHA Sponsorship Award competition

For the twelfth time, the Europäische Union der Hörakustiker eV (EUHA) will be giving its Sponsorship Award for the next generation of acoustic researchers.

Leeway: Reaching Beyond Expectations

Leeway is a book that takes us through an 80-year journey of one man’s determination, ambition and unbelievable achievements. Prof KJ Lee, as he is known to many today, was born in Malaya in 1940. Ahchu, ‘sweet potato’ in Malaysian,...

OBITUARY: Nobuhiko Isshiki (1930–2022)

Ushering in a new era, the pioneer of laryngeal framework surgery remains an inspiration to this day. Prof Nobuhiko Isshiki in 2016 (courtesy: Mr Yakubu Karagama). The laryngological world has lost a great man. Professor Nobuhiko Isshiki passed away in...